Growing cyber threats have made real-time monitoring of vendors an increasingly important element of a vendor management program.
I sat down with Sam Lisker, ABA’s senior vice president of innovation in the office of member engagement, at the 2019 ABA Risk Management Conference in Austin, to talk about this evolving technology and how it can improve vendor risk management at financial institutions.
What did I tell him?
Vendor cyber monitoring allows bankers to mange vendors’ cybersecurity in real-time. Financial institutions (FIs) can find out if vendor websites are up-to-date with the latest security, if they are certified, and if a vendor has been mentioned on the dark web, signaling a pending attack, among other things.
They are the ability to:
An FI’s vendor management program is part of its enterprise risk management (ERM). Vendor management can’t be done in a vacuum.
Every FI needs to determine its overall risk appetite for a vendor breach and data loss. Chances are, that tolerance is very low or even zero. That means the FI needs a vendor management program that will allow the FI to understand its residual risk after controls are in place.
If an FI has a program that only looks at historical data, it may have a gap in its vendor management controls. The real-time information from vendor cyber monitoring can allow the FI to be more proactive in vendor management and lower its overall residual risk.
Check out my full my conversation with Sam Lister, and see you at next year’s ABA Risk Management Conference.