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5 Reasons to Smile About Regulatory Compliance

Written by Brian Adams | Jun 9, 2016 3:00:00 PM

This weekend, several of us from TRUPOINT Partners will make the trip to the ABA’s regulatory compliance conference. This year’s theme is “Rethink and Recalibrate,” which captures the pace of change we are all experiencing. In particular, we are looking forward to five things about this year’s gathering.

Every year, the American Bankers Association hosts the Regulatory Compliance Conference. This year's conference is an excellent opportunity to meet with other people in the industry, and learn from thought leaders in the field. 

If you are headed to San Diego this weekend to “Rethink and Recalibrate” at the ABA Regulatory Compliance Conference, please visit TRUPOINT Partners in booth 415. As we prepare for a few educational days in San Diego, here are five things we're looking forward to:

  1. The Fair Lending Pre-Conference Workshop: All day Saturday, we will be immersed in the Fair Lending workshop where we will discuss the latest hot topics including Redlining, New HMDA and the related Statistical Analyses.

  2. Top Speakers: Some of our industry’s brightest minds and compliance experts will be front-and-center, sharing war stories and best practices.  From regulators and bankers to related industry consultants, we look forward to hearing from the best.

  3. Great Topics: The ABA has dialed in on the hottest industry topics including: Peer Exchanges, Regulator Town Halls, New HMDA Rules, Flood, Lessons Learned from Enforcement Actions, Fair Lending, CRA, e-Lending Compliance, and Exam Management (to name a few).

  4. The 1,700 Points of Light: Each financial institution and their compliance team members have unique insights regarding best practices, regulatory exams, resource management and change management. Over 1,700 individuals are scheduled to be in San Diego.  This conference gives TRUPOINT Partners an opportunity to listen, learn and share our experiences as well.

  5. Great Friends and Associates: Through the years, we have been fortunate to work and collaborate with some of the industry’s best financial institutions, compliance officers, risk managers, consultants, regulators, attorneys and other numerous vendors.  We look forward to gathering face-to-face and meeting new friends. 

TRUPOINT Viewpoint: It is a dynamic time in our industry and the field of regulatory compliance.  The only constant is change.  This change requires all of us to stay focused on learning. 

Again, please let us know if you'll be at the ABA Regulatory Compliance Conference next week in San Diego! If you are attending, please stop by booth 415 and say "Hello" and enter to win a FitBit. (Please note that our booth did change from 603 to 415... now we're closer to the "refreshments.")   

In the meantime, you might like this free Redlining eBrief. Redlining is likely to be a topic of conversation at the upcoming conference, and this piece has been one of our most popular resources so far: