Maternity leave is one area that the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) continues to aggressively regulate. They take action against lenders who refuse to make loans to otherwise qualified women merely because they are pregnant or on maternity leave. Are you properly managing Fair Lending Risks associated with Maternity Leave? We'll analyze 5 recent settlements to provide 7 risk mitigation strategies and 1 critical lesson.
In the last 12 months, there have been several maternity leave settlements that have been released by the HUD. Below is a quick synopsis of the various settlements along with a quick overview of how you can mitigate the risk.
Settlement 1: A Different Perspective on "Good Risk"
Definition of Familial Status
The Fair Housing act makes it illegal to discriminate because of familial status in the sale, rental, or financing of dwellings, and in other housing-related transactions. Familial status covers the following:
Examples of discrimination include:
The bottom line: The cases above collectively and consistently highlight the importance of having updated policies AND effective employee training.
Here are 7 ways a lender may mitigate its fair lending risk associated with Maternity Leave:
Ncontracts Viewpoint: All it takes is one errant conversation or decision to create problematic Fair Lending risk. Therefore, employee training and management reinforcement is the most critical part of policy execution - particularly in complex areas like maternity leave.
There are many risk areas, so it's critical that you understand your risk. Ncontracts can help you develop the right policies and deliver memorable training.
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