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Supreme Court Upholds FHA's Disparate Impact Theory

Written by Andy Barksdale | Jun 25, 2015 5:35:00 PM

The Supreme Court announced their ruling on disparate impact, upholding the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeal's decision that "disparate impact claims are cognizable under the Fair Housing Act." Read more about the ruling here.

The long-awaited test of disparate impact was delivered today by the Supreme Court. A divided court (5-4 decision) upheld the use of “disparate impact” legal theory in fair lending discrimination cases. 

As reported by the American Banker, “The high court's decision bolsters efforts by law enforcement authorities and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, which have brought legal cases alleging fair-lending violations by lenders despite claims that no discrimination was intended.” 

Justice Anthony Kennedy delivered the opinion of the court. Justice Kennedy stated, “Recognition of disparate-impact claims is consistent with the FHA’s central purpose.”

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