The Ncast Podcast | Ncontracts

Communication & Collaboration: Applying the 3 Lines Model

Written by Michael Carpenter | Apr 13, 2021 4:29:00 AM

As your financial institution works to maintain the balance between operational responsibilities and continuous risk assessment, how can you find the sweet spot between risk and opportunity? Find out as we talk with Theresa Mann, Chief Risk Officer of NASA Federal Credit Union, about using communication and collaboration to implement the 3 lines model to build a consultative risk management business unit. Make sure you’re in the driver's seat when the “risk bus” hurtles along!

Hey there, buddy! I've got some juicy tidbits from the latest episode of "The Ncast" that I just can't wait to spill. Picture this: I'm sitting down with the incredible Theresa Mann, the VP and Chief Risk Officer at NASA Federal Credit Union. Man, oh man, did she drop some knowledge bombs that left me in awe.

So, we kicked things off by talking about her journey from being a CEO to rocking the role of Chief Risk Officer. I mean, who would've thought that her diverse background would play such a huge role in shaping her risk management perspective? From her days as a CEO to now, she's got a unique take that's turning heads.

But wait, it gets even better. Theresa opened up about that magical "sweet spot" between risk and opportunity. You know, that spot where you can grab opportunities without getting burned by risks? She spilled some serious secrets about mastering due diligence and setting up rock-solid controls before diving into new opportunities. Trust me, this is the kind of insight that can seriously level up your risk game.

Hold on to your hat, because here's where things really get spicy. Theresa dropped the truth bomb that communication is the ultimate key to successful risk management. But we're not talking about boring reports and spreadsheets here. Nope, she's all about weaving a compelling story behind the data, making it crystal clear for everyone in the organization. It's like risk management becomes a superhero in a blockbuster movie!

Oh, and we dived into the "three lines of defense" model, too. Theresa spilled the beans on how to make it work seamlessly. Picture this: visual workflows, crystal-clear roles, and a sprinkle of collaboration magic. It's like she's giving you the secret recipe to make risk management a seamless part of your organization's DNA.

But my favorite part? When Theresa shared her golden nuggets for those who are just stepping into the world of risk management. It's not all about fancy certifications, my friend. She's all about mastering the art of communication and storytelling. Imagine having the power to convey complex risk info in a way that hits home with everyone, from the top dogs to the team on the ground.

So, there you have it, my friend. If you're ready to level up your risk game, hear from a seasoned pro who's been there, done that, and rocked it, this episode of "The Ncast" is an absolute must-listen. Trust me, Theresa Mann's insights are pure gold, and I promise you won't want to miss a second of this conversation. Get those earbuds ready and tune in!