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Bill Simpson

Bill Simpson

Bill leads Ncontracts' technology development efforts, backed by his acumen in the management and development of large-scale, data-driving mobile and web applications and streamlining software engineering development processes. He has held leadership roles with D&B Company, MDR, and Cerebra, in each position leading the development and implementation of game-changing technologies. He holds a B.S. in computer science from Boston University as well as an executive management and leadership from the Sloan School of Management at MIT.

Posts by Bill Simpson

Ncontracts Challenges the Gartner Vendor Management Magic Quadrant

Ncontracts Challenges the Gartner Vendor Management Magic Quadrant

Ncontracts remains fully focused on developing functionality for financial services customers across the US.

Aug 31, 2021 1 min read
How to Prepare for the Future of AI in Banking (Part 2)

How to Prepare for the Future of AI in Banking (Part 2)

Unless you truly live in a cave, AI has put its stamp on your life—both at home and at work—and we can expect its influence to grow over the coming years

Feb 25, 2020 4 min read
Don’t Fear Artificial Intelligence: A Primer for AI in Risk & Compliance Management (Part 1)

Don’t Fear Artificial Intelligence: A Primer for AI in Risk & Compliance Management (Part 1)

Does the phrase “AI in risk and compliance management" conjure up images of robots taking over the world—or worse yet, replacing

Nov 21, 2019 5 min read