4 Classes of Problems - CFPB Focuses on Discrimination & Fair Lending
CFPB looks forward, uses disparate impact theory to fight discrimination and enforce fair lending.
Recent Fair Lending Settlement and Community Banks: 3 Conclusions
Texas Champion Bank settles Fair Lending complaint regarding consumer lending to Hispanics.
7 New Rules from the CFPB - Are You Ready? (1 of 3)
7 new mortgage lending rule additions/changes from the CFPB that compliance officers and bank leadership must understand.
New Ability-to-Pay Rule + Fair Lending = Rock and Hard Place?
An overview of the new Ability-to-Pay rule and the key eight points lenders can employ.
The 5 Most Popular Compliance Articles from 2012
The top 5 fair lending takeaways from TRUPOINT Partners' most popular articles in 2012.
How to Avoid the Pitfalls Hiding in Your HMDA Data
Here's 3 tips for how banks and lenders nationwide can avoid Fair Lending pitfalls.
Faring Well in Your Fair Lending Exam
Before any exam ever begins, your institution should conduct its own fair lending risk assessment.
Lending Disparity In Minority Neighborhoods Drives Data Analysis
Lending disparities will drive regulatory data analysis to evaluate Fair Lending compliance. Are you analyzing your data? You should be!
Fair Lending and Reverse Redlining... Can Banks Ever Win?
Prior to the mortgage crisis, regulators forced banks to market mortgages to poor minorities with weak credit. Now banks are being persecuted for those loa…