Fair Lending Enforcement Is Heating Up: Avoid These 3 Mistakes
It’s been a busy summer for fair lending compliance enforcement. Both the CFPB and the Justice Department have been cracking down on Fair Lending...

Fair Lending FAQs: Small Businesses & the Paycheck Protection Program
The Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) has proven a more-than challenging endeavor for financial institutions.

Fair Lending in the Time of COVID: Trends from the CFPB & OCC
We may be weary from living it and reading about it, but COVID-19 continues to impact every aspect of everyday life—including fair lending...

COVID-19 Update: CFPB Postpones HMDA Data Collection
As financial institutions scramble to maintain operations and aid customers and members as COVID-19 continues to spread, the Consumer Financial Protection …

Coronavirus, HMDA, and Doing the Next Right Thing
As we struggle with disruption and uncertainty, as the coronavirus upends the routines of our lives, it’s natural to feel overwhelmed and unsure...

CFPB Offers New Category of Guidance with “Compliance Aids”
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) has historically provided an array of compliance resources including, compliance...

Is HMDA for Small Business on Its Way?
Regulatory agencies have been emphasizing the importance of a strong and effective CMS. Find out four ways to streamline your CMS.

9 Reasons Why We Are Thankful For Compliance Officers
Here are 9 reasons we are thankful for compliance officers! Thank you, compliance officers, for everything you do.

15 Key Insights from the CFPB Fair Lending Report [Part Two]
Check out the second half of our two-part series on the CFPB's 2018 Fair Lending Report. If you have to comply with Fair Lending, this post is for you.

2 Key Elements of a Successful Compliance Management System from the CFPB
Learn the two essential components of any successful Compliance Management System (CMS) to ensure that your financial institutions is in shape.

How To Prepare for the Public HMDA Data Release Next Month
More HMDA data will be publicly released in May 2019. This data has more depth and may spark additional Fair Lending scrutiny. Learn how to prepare today!

Your Quick Guide to the 2018 HMDA Data Changes
If you're a HMDA reporter, you need to read this post. Learn all about recent regulatory updates to the HMDA disclosure final rule, which will...

11+ Banking Compliance Resources You'll Need in 2019
Here are 11 valuable compliance resources you'll want to bookmark and you prepare for compliance success. As the days and months pass, we will be...

$11.8M UDAAP Compliance Settlement Highlights Regulatory Priorities
Do you know your UDAAP compliance risk? For all types of financial service providers, UDAAP risk management remains a focal point...
Complaints Management
Complaints management means dealing with customer complaints in a compliant, appropriate and systematic manner. The complaint management system

Do You Qualify for the HMDA Small Filer Exemption?
If HMDA compliance is a priority for you, you need to know the details of the CFPB's HMDA Small Filer partial exemption...

A Handy Guide to the Leading Names & Faces in Banking Compliance Today
Learn the names and faces of the individuals leading the banking compliance conversation. With this knowledge, you'll have a better sense for the who's who…

Mythbusting 5 Rumors About the Dodd-Frank Rollback
In this piece, we’ll take a look at five “myths” about the so-called HMDA rollback that we’ve heard circulating amongst our friends, colleagues, customers,…

7 Quick HMDA Compliance Videos to Watch & Share
With the prospect of 2017 HMDA LAR being released as soon as next week, on April 1, HMDA and Fair Lending remain top priorities...

7 Banking and Finance Headlines You May Have Missed in the Madness of March
Here are the top headlines in the banking and compliance world for the month of March 2018.

7 Essential Steps Now That You've Filed Your 2017 HMDA LAR
In this post, you'll find out what's on the compliance horizon, and what you can do about it. In addition, you'll also get access to a free post-HMDA...

5 Financial and Banking Headlines You May Have Missed This January
Here are 5 trends in finance and banking that you may have missed. From CFPB updates to CRA, we'll share some news and what it means for you.

Answers to 5 Basic FAQs about the Final HMDA Rule
Learn the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about the Final HMDA Rule that you may be asking. You'll also get access to our HMDA...

How to Use the CFPB's New HMDA Data Tool for the First Time
The CFPB is expected to release their HMDA data submission tool in the upcoming months. In this post, we'll discuss how to use the new HMDA Platform...

Redlining Analysis Remains a Top Priority for Regulators & Raises These 5 Questions
Regulators continue to prioritize Redlining compliance. In this post, you will learnwhy they say data analysis is essential for Redlining risk management.

Compliance Alert: Reg. B Changes on the Horizon for Mortgage Lenders
The CFPB has proposed changes to Reg. B and is looking for input from mortgage lenders. Read to learn about the proposal and how to submit your response!

CFPB Just Issued their Largest-Ever HMDA Fine
The CFPB issued a $1.75M fine for HMDA reporting issues, their largest-ever for this kind of violation. Learn more about the fine and improve HMDA...

3 Fair Lending Focal Points for the CFPB in 2017
The CFPB recently released their top Fair Lending compliance priorities for 2017. Here they are - and why it matters to you, even if they aren't your regul…

CFPB Annual Report Shines Light on Fair Lending
CFPB provides great insight into today's fair lending priorities (Mortgage, Indirect Auto, Credit Card, Small Business) and common tripwires.

9 Keys for a Successful Fair Lending Compliance Management Program
Developing a strong Fair Lending compliance management program can be difficult. Here are the 9 key elements of a strong compliance program!