CFPB Interprets Statute of Limitations & Other Stories Every Compliance Officer Needs to Read
These are three developing compliance stories that all compliance officers need to know. You won't want to miss this!

Regulators Say Redlining & Pricing Risk are Fair Lending Hot Topics
Regulators shared top compliance risks in the 2015 Interagency Fair Lending Hot Topics webinar. Two of the biggest? Redlining and pricing risk.

CFPB Turned High Beams on Auto Lending. Will Lenders See the Light?
Learn regulatory guidance on dealer compensation based on three recent CFPB consent orders! Plus, get a free summary of the consent orders.

CFPB’s 10th UDAAP Consent Order Provides 3 Key Lessons
Here are 3 key UDAAP lessons we can learn from the CFPB's $700 million consent order to Citibank, the tenth such action since the CFPB's founding.

5 Things to Consider Now That 7,700+ Consumer Complaints are Public
The CFPB's Complaint Database now includes consumer narratives. Here are 5 considerations for improving complaint management (plus answers to 7 FAQs)!

What the CFPB's Move to Oversee Nonbank Auto Financers Really Means
The CFPB's move to regulate nonbank auto finance lenders is shaking up auto compliance. Here's what the new exam procedures mean for you.

CFPB Spotlights Future Priorities with Rulemaking Agenda Update
The CFPB's recently released rulemaking agenda highlights key areas of focus. Unsurprisingly, HMDA and TRID top the list.

5 Key Lessons about Consumer Complaints from the CFPB [Infographic]
5 key lessons learned about Fair Lending complaint management from the annual consumer complaint report released by the CFPB.

CFPB Announces 3 New HMDA Exemption Threshold & Reminder on MSAs
The CFPB released the revised asset-size exemption threshold for depository institutions under Regulation C (which implements HMDA) for 2014.

CFPB Declares Data-Centric Future with New Strategy. Are You Ready?
CFPB is quickly moving into a data-centric world as evidenced by their strategic plan. Is your compliance management program ready?

CFPB Provides Warning on Indirect Lending - You Have Been Deputized!
CFPB provides financial institutions warning and guidance in regards to indirect lending. Is it fair to deputize banks to manage fair lending?

7 New Rules from the CFPB - Are You Ready? (2 of 3)
An overview of the new Mortgage Servicing Rule and Appraisals for Higher-Priced Mortgage Loans (HPMLs) from the CFPB.

CFPB Stands Firm on Fair Lending and Disparate Impact
CFPB says it will use all means to pursue lenders whose practices discriminate against consumers, including disparate impact.