Ncontracts Named to Gartner IT Vendor Risk Management Magic Quadrant
Company recognized for its strong set of industry skills and a deep understanding of the regulatory requirements and trends of financial services.

Regulatory Insight: Artificial Intelligence & Third-Party Risk
Highlights from a comment letter to federal banking agencies (CFPB, FDIC, Federal Reserve, NCUA, and OCC).

False Risk Management Narratives: Why the Spanish Flu, Roaring Twenties & Great Depression Don’t Mean What You Think They Do
When analyzing risk, it’s important to look beyond casual correlations and dig deeper into economic trends and historical examples.

Is Your FI Thinking About Cryptocurrency? Here Are Key Risks to Consider
Cryptocurrency represents a significant opportunity for financial institutions to generate revenue with properly designed and executed products and...

The Good Enough Myth: How the “Swiss Army Knife” of Business Tools Can Fail You
Excel spreadsheets are not designed for enterprise risk management (ERM) and compliance. Learn about the right solution.

7 Compliance & Risk Management Tips for Smaller Financial Institutions
How to make smaller community banks and credit unions more efficient and effective, so they can compete with larger financial institutions.

A Momentous Day in American History, A Challenge for Mortgage Compliance and Risk Management
What mortgage lenders impacted by the new federal holiday, Juneteenth, need to be thinking about for business continuity and vendor management.

2021’s Hottest Risk Management Trends
Is risk management at your financial institution keeping up with the times? Find out here.

Ask the Auditors: Top Takeaways about Internal Auditing for Compliance and Risk Management
Top auditors discuss topics in compliance and risk management, including independence, examiners, and findings management.

Ncontracts Names Rafael DeLeon SVP of Industry Engagement
Ncontracts Names Rafael DeLeon SVP of Industry Engagement

Six Common IT Exam Issues—and the Controls You Need to Address Them
The six most commons IT exam flaws, according to examiners

Missed Opportunities: How Compliance & Marketing Can Work Together to Increase Loan Volume & Reduce Lending Compliance Risk
When the compliance and marketing teams openly communicate, the result is more focused campaigns to increase loan volume and reduce potential problems.

5 Risk Management Failures of the Galactic Empire
What can Star Wars teach financial institutions about compliance and risk management?

Ask a Risk Manager: How Can Risk Management & Compliance Work Together?
How can risk management and compliance work together as partners at a financial institution?

4 Features FIs Should Look for in a Cybersecurity Assessment Solution
How strong are your financial institution’s cyber defenses? It’s a question that’s top of mind for everyone—and it doesn’t have a simple answer.

Supervisory Highlights: What We Can Learn from Others to Avoid Getting in Trouble
Here're the top highlights to know more about the landscape, make changes to be uncriticised, and view your business. Read the article to know more.

6 Features Your FI Needs in a Risk Management Solution
Here are 6 features to identify, assess, mitigate, and monitor risk, through an effective enterprise risk management (ERM) solution.

COVID-19 One Year Later: We Are All Risk Managers Now
This month marks one year since the WHO declared COVID-19 a pandemic and a new normal began. It’s also the year we all became risk managers.

Reduce Risk in These 4 Key Areas by Using Board and Employee Portal Solutions
Here are four key areas where financial institutions can reduce risk by using board and employee portal solutions.

Managing Complaints: The Role of the Three Lines of Defense
An effective complaint management program should leverage all three lines of defense to effectively manage this important customer contact.

Brentwood-based Ncontracts buys QuestSoft Corporation
Brentwood-based software firm Ncontracts has purchased a California tech company.

All the Risk News That’s Fit to Print: Ncontracts’ Top 2020 Risk Management Blogs
We’ve gathered our most popular risk management blog articles—selected from over 150 written this year—to help inform your risk management efforts.

Weigh the Risk Before Cutting These Key Costs, OCC Says
OCC is warning banks to be careful when cutting funding for key control functions and processes.

Ncast Podcast Launches with Remote Exam & Cyber Risk Discussion with ABA’s Paul Benda
Today we’re excited to announce the launch of our new weekly podcast, the Ncast! The Ncast Podcast launches with Remote Exam & Cyber Risk Discussion

Halloween Fun: Spook-tacular Risk, Compliance & Vendor Management Stories
We’ve put together a collection of our best Halloween-themed risk, compliance, and vendor management blog posts.

How to Manage Cyber Risk Like a Boss
October is National Cybersecurity Awareness Month and it’s an annual reminder of how financial institutions—need to do their part to manage cyber risk.

3 Ways to Use Consumer Complaints to Manage Lending Compliance Risk
Here are three ways financial institutions can use consumer complaint management to reduce compliance risk when it comes to fair lending.

Citibank’s $400 Million ERM & Compliance Fine: 6 Lessons Learned
Not properly implementing enterprise risk management for financial institutions can result in unsound practices, penalities, and more.

5 Ways to Show Your Files Some Love—and Better Manage Risk
In honor of National Love Your Files Week (September 21-25), we’re sharing our top five tips for making file management simpler and more efficient

Your Risk Assessment Process Questions Answered
What really goes into the risk assessment process? Your questions answered.