Board & Management Fail: Operational Risk Management Weaknesses Leads to $80 Million Fine
Capital One's board and management correct operational risk management weaknesses that led to $80 million fine after database was breached.

9 Risk Management Failures That Led to Charges Under NY’s Cyber Law
Risk management failures exposing private customer data lead to charges of a title company based in Nebraska under NY's cyber law.

COVID-19 Loan Relief: 3 Risk Management & Fair Lending Tips
Financial institutions have been working with borrowers struggling as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Here are 3 risk management and fair lending tips.

Improve Your Audit Plan With 5 Key Risk Management Principles
It can be hard to figure out where an audit plan should begin. Here are five key risk management principles to focus on to improve your audit plan.

4 Ways to Improve Risk Management When Risk Is High
Risk management is an active and ongoing process. Here are four ways to improve risk management when risks are high.

Which Hamilton Character Is Your Right-Hand Man?
Take this fun quiz to find out which Hamilton character would be your right-hand risk manager.

Third-Party Vendors & Compliance Risk: 10 High-Risk Compliance Situations
That’s the situation financial institutions face when a third-party vendor acting on behalf of the bank doesn’t comply with laws and regulations.

4 Ways To Use Complaint Data To Improve Risk Management
They serve as warning signs when there is a problem with your financial institution’s compliance and risk management programs.

FFIEC: Risk Management Is Essential To Safe & Sound Cloud Computing
From the model used to risk appetite and the complexity of a financial institution’s operations, FIs need to understand how their specific cloud-computing

The New COVID-19 Risk Environment: Reassessing Risk
Risk has always been a part of banking. But today, with the spread of COVID-19 wreaking havoc on customers, the economy, and how we live and do business,

Examiners Want to Know: Does Your CMS Ensure Consumer Protection & Compliance?
Preventing consumer harm is among the top goals of financial regulators. That goal is best accomplished with streamlined CMS.

CU Broadcast Interview Michael Berman on Third-Party Risk and COVID-19
That’s the question Mike Lawson from CU Broadcast had for Ncontracts CEO and Founder Michael Berman.

Covid-19 Risk Management: Balancing CRA & Fair Lending
The Federal Reserve Board, the FDIC, and the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency encourage financial institutions to work with affected customers

FinCEN Hits Chief Risk Officer with $450k Penalty
Michael LaFontaine got nailed because he was responsible for overseeing U.S. Bank’s compliance programs.

FDIC Updates RMS Manual: What Does That Mean for Risk Management at Your FI
Compliance isn’t just about following rules. It’s about thoughtfully managing risk.

Leap Year: What Risk Management & Compliance Tasks Would You Tackle with One Extra Day?
That’s right, it’s Leap Year once again, and February 29th is happening for the first time in four years.

Are You Making Risk Management Decisions with Your Heart or Your Head?
Whether we want to accept it or not, every person carries her own background and experiences into risk management decisions.

Gryphon Investors Acquires Ncontracts, A Leader in Integrated Risk Management Software for the Financial Industry
Gryphon Investors Acquires Ncontracts, A Leader in Integrated Risk Management Software for the Financial Industry

Heightened Cybersecurity Risk – Is Your FI Prepared?
Cybersecurity is always a top concern for financial institutions, but now supervisory agencies are warning financial institutions that cyberattacks are an

When Customers Invite Third-Party Risk
In a world where consumers are often willing to trade privacy for convenience, even banking passwords are no longer sacrosanct.

Fourth-Party Risk: What Your Institution Has in Common with a Presidential Campaign
Fourth-party risk is the risk created when a third-party vendor subcontracts to another vendor. Good vendor management is essential for limiting this

Fintech Risk Management & the Fed
Which financial institutions do the best job managing fintech relationships? See what the Fed has to say about fintech risk management.

Fed Strategies for Managing Fair Lending Risks of Digital Redlining
The Community Reinvestment Act (CRA), the OCC and the FDIC finally released their proposed rulemaking for the regulation’s first overhaul in 25 years.

Ncontracts Recognized as a Challenger in the Gartner Magic Quadrant for IT Vendor Risk Management Tools
Ncontracts announced that it has been positioned by Gartner, Inc. in the Challengers quadrant of the Magic Quadrant for IT Vendor Risk Management Tools

OCC: Lack of Risk Management Leads to Enforcement Actions
Lack of appropriate governance, oversight, and risk management systems and controls are the leading cause of enforcement actions according to the OCC.

How to Control the Financial Risk of a Data Breach
How much does a data breach cost? Understanding the costs can help your financial institution mitigate the financial risks of a data breach.

The Difference Between Data Privacy and Security
Data privacy and security has been getting a lot of press as the industry looks ahead to when the new consumer privacy law takes effect January 1.

Don’t Fear Artificial Intelligence: A Primer for AI in Risk & Compliance Management (Part 1)
Does the phrase “AI in risk and compliance management" conjure up images of robots taking over the world—or worse yet, replacing

Risk Management Aids Prep for Risk-Focused Exams
Risk management helps financial institutions anticipate and guard against all kinds of risks. But did you know it can also help prepare for exams?

A Risk Assessor Origin Story Courtesy of Stephen King’s IT
Movies are chockfull of superhero origin stories, but what about us regular risk management folks?