Operational Risk - Foreseeing the Unforeseen Costs of Outsourcing
Operational risk is the risk of financial loss when processes, people or systems fail. It can hurt a financial institution in many ways, including these...

Credit Risk - You’ll Take the Blame If Your Vendor Doesn’t Have the Credit
See the definition of credit risk.

One Size Doesn't Fit All - Updated Guidance from CFPB on Third-party Service Providers
The CFPB clarifies guidance on how to treat vendors of different sizes and impacts after many have been treated with equal scrutiny regarding due diligence

How Not to Manage Risk–A Lesson Courtesy of Wells Fargo
Either Wells Fargo didn’t have strong enough account opening and management policies and procedures in place or there wasn’t a strong enough system ensure

Beware Fair Lending Risks Associated with Second Reviews & Exceptions
A recent HUD settlement highlights potential Fair Lending risks related to second reviews & exceptions. Learn about the agreement and our observations.

The OCC Walks the Enterprise Risk Management Walk—and So Should You
For years regulatory agencies have emphasized the importance of enterprise risk management (ERM). Now the OCC is taking its own advice.

A Brief Review of Recent News Shows Redlining Risk is Red-Hot
This survey of recent redlining news shows that it's a compliance priority for the regulators, and will continue to be a focal point in 2016.

Ncontracts combines with Strohl Risk Solutions to provide a full suite of risk management solutions
Ncontracts combines with Strohl Risk Solutions to provide a full suite of risk management solutions

3 Clear Ways to Limit Fair Lending Risk
We had a great time with the Indiana Bankers Association last week, and had interesting discussions about stereotypes and fair lending risk.

6 Tips for Managing Exceptions & Lowering Your Fair Lending Risk
Do you know the six key risks of exception management to assess for Fair Lending compliance? Check them out here, and get actionable best practices.

3 Fair Lending Risks Lenders Need To Know, Plus A Free Risk Assessment
3 Fair Lending compliance risks lenders need to know, like discretion and policies, and tips for how to manage risk. Get a Free Risk Assessment, too!

Are Your Underwriting Policies Creating Fair Lending Risk?
Recent settlements provide key insights about underwriting, disability income and ATR. Sample HUD-approved policy language included.

3 Simple Tips to Manage UDAAP Compliance Risk
UDAAP compliance is a major issue, and effectively managing risk will be critical. Also introducing UDAAP RiskCheck compliance risk assessment.

3 Steps to a Proficient Risk Assessment
A compliance risk assessment helps focus the financial institution on the most important areas of risk. The common three steps are outlined.

How to Avoid the Pitfalls Hiding in Your HMDA Data
Here's 3 tips for how banks and lenders nationwide can avoid Fair Lending pitfalls.