Why You Need to Assess the Risk of Russian Sanctions on Your Institution
Whether or not your institution does business in Russia, sanctions can impact your institution. Be prepared.

Lessons Learned from an $8 Million BSA Civil Money Penalty
Failing to include all four pillars of a strong BSA/AML compliance program is an expensive risk management mistake

Board Members: Keep an Eye on Internal Controls
Conflicts of interest can lead to financial problems if board members don’t pay attention to risk management

What Will You do if Your Compliance Officer Quits Tomorrow?
Shield your institution’s regulatory compliance hiring from the Great Resignation with compliance management that doesn’t quit.

6 Steps for Complying with the FedLine Solutions Security and Resiliency Assurance Program (Plus a Bonus Tip!)
Wondering where to start with Fedline risk assessment? Risk assessment templates are built into Nrisk

4 Reasons to Get Risk Management Software that is Designed for Financial Institutions
The best risk management solutions for credit unions, banks, and mortgage companies are designed for financial institutions, one-size-fits-all...

Six Common IT Exam Issues—and the Controls You Need to Address Them
The six most commons IT exam flaws, according to examiners

Missed Opportunities: How Compliance & Marketing Can Work Together to Increase Loan Volume & Reduce Lending Compliance Risk
When the compliance and marketing teams openly communicate, the result is more focused campaigns to increase loan volume and reduce potential problems.

The CFPB’s Focus on Avoiding Foreclosures: What You Need to Know
After one year into the pandemic, the CFPB says that financial institutions have had time to adapt, and protecting consumers is the CFPB’s top priority.

The Cost of Compliance in 2021
Compliance isn’t cheap—but how much does it really cost the financial services industry and financial institutions like yours in 2021?

Flood Insurance: Compliance Tips for Avoiding Costly Penalties
Flood insurance always comes across as a simple regulation, yet we need to remember these compliance tips for avoiding costly penalties.

Let Me Tell You a Story
Let us tell you a story about a bank that works hard to comply with fair lending laws to be there for the people of Far, Far Away.

Lending Compliance: Building Up the Three Lines of Defense
A financial institution’s lending compliance management system must effectively guard the FI against unnecessary risk with these three lines of defense.

New Redlining Suit: Are You Making the Same Mistake as Redfin?
Redlining made news again when the NFHA and other fair housing organizations filed a suit against Redfin, an online real estate service.

What Examiners are Looking for: Board Oversight
Examiners aren’t just looking to see what’s right with board management. They also want to uncover anything that’s gone wrong.

HMDA Data Scrubbing FAQ
Here are the answers to your most frequently asked questions about HMDA data scrubbing.

What does the 'M' in CAMELS stand for?
The M in CAMELS stands for management, who is responsible for setting and implementing the strategic decisions and plans that determine CAMELS rating.

Halloween Fun: Spook-tacular Risk, Compliance & Vendor Management Stories
We’ve put together a collection of our best Halloween-themed risk, compliance, and vendor management blog posts.

6 Essentials for Flawless Policy Management
Flawless policy management is essential as regulations, the operational environment, and your financial institution’s priorities shift.

3 Ways to Use Consumer Complaints to Manage Lending Compliance Risk
Here are three ways financial institutions can use consumer complaint management to reduce compliance risk when it comes to fair lending.

Citibank’s $400 Million ERM & Compliance Fine: 6 Lessons Learned
Not properly implementing enterprise risk management for financial institutions can result in unsound practices, penalities, and more.

10 Must-Have Elements to Include When Drafting Policies
When drafting policies, be sure to include these 10 must-have elements in each one to keep them effective.

11 Can’t-Miss Compliance Management Tips From Top Compliance Officers
11 can't miss compliance management tips from some top compliance officers. Some of the latest tips and tricks for making compliance more effective.

Fed Releases Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) Modernization Proposal
After a long deliberation, the Federal Reserve released its Advanced Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (ANPR) for the Community Reinvestment Act this week.

7 Ways to Cut Compliance Costs & Still Stay Compliant
Many financial institutions are using creativity and practical thinking when looking for ways to cut compliance budgets and still remain compliant.

What Makes A Good Audit Trail?
All financial institutions need a good audit trail. Here are six tips to ensure that your FI’s audit trail will be effective.

Pain Points: Top Frustrations for Compliance, Risk Management & Internal Audit
Attendees of the ABA Risk and Compliance Virtual Conference tell us about their top compliance, risk management, and audit pain points at their...

How to Avoid Accidental Lending Bias During the Mortgage Boom
Avoid accidental lending bias during this time when home mortgage refinancing demand is at a record high and lenders are working at a frenzied pace.

CFPB Fines Mortgage Company $150,000 for Deceiving Veterans: What Went Wrong?
CFPB fines a California-based mortgage company $150,000 after sending veterans mailers with misleading or deceptive statements.

COVID-19 Loan Relief: 3 Risk Management & Fair Lending Tips
Financial institutions have been working with borrowers struggling as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Here are 3 risk management and fair lending tips.