Top 5 Takeaways from Our CRA Modernization Webinar
What does your bank need to consider in CRA reform? We break down the most important takeaways from our latest webinar.

8 Common Fair Lending Compliance Myths - and the Realities!
Here are the 8 Common Fair Lending Myths - and the Realities! Learn more and get this free download to reduce your Fair Lending risk today!

Does Your CMS Measure up to DOJ Expectations?
That means it’s in a FI’s best interest to look so they can feel confident that existing policies and procedures align with DOJ expectations.

What the Fed Chair has to Say About Fair Lending Enforcement
We’ll check in on Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell’s latest comments on Fair Lending enforcement.

The Problem With Playing In A Software Sandbox
How do you vet a third-party vendor solution? If the answer is asking to test out the product in a sandbox, then you may want to rethink it.

OCC Releases Final CRA Modernization Rule: What You Need to Know
The OCC released its final Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) rule last week, shortly before Comptroller Joseph Otting stepped down.

Fair Lending FAQs Part 1: Exam Outlook, CRA & Mortgage Forbearance
Fair lending is always a hot topic. This is especially true when there are regulatory changes and lenders are scrambling to decipher the unintended...

Covid-19 Risk Management: Balancing CRA & Fair Lending
The Federal Reserve Board, the FDIC, and the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency encourage financial institutions to work with affected customers

How to Make the Most of Expanded CRA Modernization Comment Period
Bowing to criticism that a 60-day comment period is unusually short and not enough time for in-depth analysis, the Office of the Comptroller...

Educational Redlining Report Raises Questions About Fair Lending
Imagine a 24-year-old analyst applying to refinance a $30,000 student loan. He lives in New York City, makes $50,000 a year, and has held his job...

Fed Strategies for Managing Fair Lending Risks of Digital Redlining
The Community Reinvestment Act (CRA), the OCC and the FDIC finally released their proposed rulemaking for the regulation’s first overhaul in 25 years.

FDIC & OCC Release CRA Notice of Proposed Rule Making
The OCC and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp (FDIC) finally released their notice of proposed rulemaking for the regulation’s first overhaul in 25 years

All the Fair Lending News That’s Fit to Print
2019 has been a big year for Fair Lending news. We catch you up on the latest.

OCC Hopes to Issue Joint CRA Proposal This Fall
Comptroller of the Currency Joseph Otting is hopeful that a joint CRA modernization proposal will be issued on an interagency basis this fall.

5 Fair Lending Lessons Learned in 2019
Now is perfect time to reflect on some of the lessons learned this year. In particular, we’ve seen lots of changes in Fair Lending compliance.

This $25M Settlement Highlights UDAAP Risk and FDCPA Changes
This recent $5M Civil Money Penalty from the CFPB against a debt collector highlights the importance of compliant debt collection practices. Learn more!

Why Do I Need a HMDA and CRA Transmittal Tool?
Find out everything you need to know from A to Z about the HMDA and CRA transmittal and why you might need the software for your financial institute.

7 Most Confusing Areas of Compliance for Compliance Pros
Learn the essentials of 7 of the most complex areas of regulatory compliance - including UDAAP, Community Development, and REMAs...

How HMDA Plus Data is Changing Fair Lending Analytics
Since the Final HMDA Rule was released in 2015, the banking sector has undergone dramatic changes. In this article, you’ll learn how the extended...

What Should I Do After Submitting My HMDA Data?
Here are 10 steps you need to take after filing your HMDA LAR to strengthen your Fair Lending compliance program. Plus, get the post-HMDA filing checklist!

How to Tell if a Loan Qualifies as a CRA Small Business Loan
In this blog post, you'll learn the definition of a CRA small business loan, what is reportable, and how to figure out if your loans qualify. You'll also..

Fast Facts: Ncontracts' Compliance Solutions vs. The Others
What does TRUPOINT do differently than other banking compliance software providers? Here are five fast facts that really make the difference.

11+ Banking Compliance Resources You'll Need in 2019
Here are 11 valuable compliance resources you'll want to bookmark and you prepare for compliance success. As the days and months pass, we will be...

5 Key Trends That Will Influence Your Compliance in 2019
Here are five factors that are likely to have a major impact on your bank, credit union, or mortgage company's compliance program...

[Survey] Are You Tuned Into the Compliance Pulse?
Take this compliance survey and be automatically entered to win a $150 gift card!

5 Ways Intelligent Branch Planning Can Save Your Bank Millions
Here are 5 clear ways that intelligent branch planning can save your bank or credit union millions of dollars, with the numbers to prove it.

5 Scary Stories Guaranteed to Give You the Compliance Creeps!
Whether you're a Compliance Officer or a President, here are 5 scary banking stories from October guaranteed to give you the compliance creeps...

Do You Qualify for the HMDA Small Filer Exemption?
If HMDA compliance is a priority for you, you need to know the details of the CFPB's HMDA Small Filer partial exemption...

Breaking: OCC Says Multiple CRA Downgrades for Discrimination Still Possible
If you're regulated by the OCC, you need to understand the updates to their policies on CRA ratings downgrades as a result of evidence of discrimination.

11 Powerful Headlines Showcase the Media's Focus on Redlining
In the compliance world, Redlining remains a primary area of focus. Regulatory agencies, no matter their politics or priorities, agree that Redlining...