5 Lessons from HUD's "Digital Redlining" Complaint Against Facebook
Last week, the Department of Housing and Urban Development announced a formal complaint against Facebook for alleged digital...

Regulators Release 4 Valuable Warnings on Redlining Risk
In last month's bulletin from the Federal Reserve, the regulators released 4 warnings about Redlining risk management. You won't want to miss these valuabl…

11 Powerful Headlines Showcase the Media's Focus on Redlining
In the compliance world, Redlining remains a primary area of focus. Regulatory agencies, no matter their politics or priorities, agree that Redlining...

Is Your Compliance Program Reactionary or Proactive?
Is your compliance management program reactionary, or is it proactive? In this post, you'll learn why compliance is still critically important, and...

$30,000 Fair Lending Settlement Highlights Power of Community Groups
A recent Fair Lending settlement with a $1B New York-based credit union highlights the importance of a strong Fair Lending compliance risk management...

How to Understand Your Redlining Risk in 3 Simple Steps
Redlining risk is a red-hot topic for the regulators. Here are 3 simple steps for understanding and managing your redlining risk!

7 Quick HMDA Compliance Videos to Watch & Share
With the prospect of 2017 HMDA LAR being released as soon as next week, on April 1, HMDA and Fair Lending remain top priorities...

7 Banking and Finance Headlines You May Have Missed in the Madness of March
Here are the top headlines in the banking and compliance world for the month of March 2018.

5 Common Reasons for Bad CRA Compliance Exam Ratings
Here are 5 of the most common issues that can lead to a drop in your CRA compliance performance rating. You can't afford to overlook these!

5 Common Growth & Compliance Problems You Can Solve with a Better Branch Strategy
Prepare for growth and success in 2018. Learn 5 common growth and compliance related problems, and how a better branch strategy can help you solve them!

5 Financial and Banking Headlines You May Have Missed This January
Here are 5 trends in finance and banking that you may have missed. From CFPB updates to CRA, we'll share some news and what it means for you.

Answers to 5 Basic FAQs about the Final HMDA Rule
Learn the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about the Final HMDA Rule that you may be asking. You'll also get access to our HMDA...

Don't Miss the Top 10 Compliance Blog Posts of 2017!
As 2017 ends, here are some of the most popular compliance blog articles of this year. You'll learn about CRA, Community Development, UDAAP, Fair...

8 Steps to a Successful Community Reinvestment Act Compliance Strategy
Here are the 8 steps you need to take for CRA compliance success. Learn important elements of CRA strategy here, and get a free Info Kit.

5 Pro Tips from the 2017 Interagency Fair Lending Hot Topics Webinar
Learn 5 pro tips from the 2017 Fair Lending Hot Topics webinar, and see how you can improve your Fair Lending compliance risk management.

5 Ways to Convince Management that Compliance is Important
Here are 5 tips to help you show your financial institution's management why compliance matters! Learn how to show them why compliance is so important.

The Rising Cost of Compliance & How the Best Banks Respond
Compliance costs are rising. With this free infographic, you'll be armed with bullet-proof statistics to help you negotiate your future compliance budget.

5 Tips for Successfully Navigating the New 2018 HMDA Regulations
Here are 5 best practices for implementing the new HMDA rules and regulations from the CFPB. These HMDA changes may be a challenge - here are tips for...

Beware these 4 Spooky Ghosts that Haunt Your Compliance Program!
This Halloween, make sure that these 10 ghouls aren't haunting your consumer compliance program - and how to get rid of them with a little practical magic.

Creating a Successful Compliance Program: Budgets, Buy-in & Building a Team
Learn how to establish a solid foundation for your compliance program, with tips on determining a budget, garnering leadership buy-in and structuring...

Is Fair Lending Software Worth the Cost? 21 Factors to Consider
Consult this resource to help you decipher the value inherent in Fair Lending analysis software and make the right decision for your organization.

Do You Know the DOJ's Top 3 Fair Lending Priorities?
The DOJ released their annual ECOA report full of essential regulatory insights. Topping the list of Fair Lending compliance priorities? You guessed it..Re…

Top 13 Proven Benefits of HMDA Software for Fair Lending Compliance [Part 2]
In part two, learn even more benefits of HMDA software for your Fair Lending compliance! Fair Lending analysis is essential. Software makes it simple.

Top 13 Proven Benefits of HMDA Software for Fair Lending Compliance [Part 1]
Leveraging a HMDA software for data analysis and risk management can yield benefits for your Fair Lending & HMDA compliance program, and institution...

How to Use the CFPB's New HMDA Data Tool for the First Time
The CFPB is expected to release their HMDA data submission tool in the upcoming months. In this post, we'll discuss how to use the new HMDA Platform...

How to Build a Strong Fair Lending & Redlining Compliance Management System
As you work to build a strong Fair Lending and Redlining compliance management system, here are a few things to keep in mind to help reduce risk exposure.

The Top 10 Worst Excuses for Not Analyzing HMDA Data for Fair Lending Compliance
Here are the top 10 worst excuses for not analyzing HMDA data regularly - and why they're risky. In addition, you'll learn some key data points to consider…

Fair Lending Quiz: Assess Your Compliance Risk Exposure!
Fair Lending is still a top regulatory priority in 2022, and risk management is as important as ever. In this post, get access to a free Fair Lending quiz!

Redlining Analysis Remains a Top Priority for Regulators & Raises These 5 Questions
Regulators continue to prioritize Redlining compliance. In this post, you will learnwhy they say data analysis is essential for Redlining risk management.

8 Key Questions to Help You Determine Your Unique Fair Lending Risk
We can boil down the various Fair Lending laws (ECOA, FHA, etc.) to a single question that serves as the litmus test for Fair Lending compliance.