7 Fair Lending Risks You Need to Know Today
Fair Lending remains a top regulatory priority. Do you know your risk? In this blog, learn 7 key Fair Lending compliance risks, plus get a free eBrief!

Compliance Alert: Reg. B Changes on the Horizon for Mortgage Lenders
The CFPB has proposed changes to Reg. B and is looking for input from mortgage lenders. Read to learn about the proposal and how to submit your response!

CFPB Just Issued their Largest-Ever HMDA Fine
The CFPB issued a $1.75M fine for HMDA reporting issues, their largest-ever for this kind of violation. Learn more about the fine and improve HMDA...

15 Tiny Productivity Tips Guaranteed to Make a Big Difference for Busy Bankers
You only have 1,440 minutes in every day. Are you making the most of yours? Here are 15 productivity tips that will improve how you manage your...

Thanks for Helping TRUPOINT Reach Record 125% New Business Growth!
TRUPOINT is happy to announce 125% growth in new business in 2016, and are looking forward to a bright 2017. Thank you to everyone who made success possibl…

3 HMDA Compliance Challenges & How Fair Lending Analytics Provides Answers
With today's HMDA data submission, now is the time to start analyzing your data so that Fair Lending risks don't go unchecked. Here's how Ncontracts can...

Are You Delegating These 3 Key Areas of Compliance Yet?
Explore how the most successful compliance officers are delegating and leveraging experts to reduce overwhelm and better manage risk.

3 Fair Lending Focal Points for the CFPB in 2017
The CFPB recently released their top Fair Lending compliance priorities for 2017. Here they are - and why it matters to you, even if they aren't your regul…

Are These Top 3 Compliance Priorities for 2017 on Your List?
2016 is coming to a close, and 2017 preparations are in full swing. Read this blog to learn 3 top compliance priorities for next year. Are they on your lis…

Community Action Groups Pressure Banks with Fair Lending Data Analysis
Community action groups are taking the lead of regulators and using Fair Lending data analysis to put pressure on local lenders. Here's how to defend yours…

This Year's HMDA Data is Now Public! Here's What to Do About it.
The annual release of public HMDA data always sparks discussion and delivers insight. This year is no different. Here's are five steps to take now!

CFPB Annual Report Shines Light on Fair Lending
CFPB provides great insight into today's fair lending priorities (Mortgage, Indirect Auto, Credit Card, Small Business) and common tripwires.

7 Fair Lending HMDA Questions to Kickstart Your Compliance
All institutions must analyze their HMDA data for Fair Lending risk exposure, or risk being unprepared for the regulators. Here are 7 questions to answer.

4 Emerging Compliance Themes Identified at Day 1 of the ABA RCC
Here are 4 emerging compliance themes, including HMDA Plus and fair banking, identified at the ABA's annual compliance conference.

5 Hot Compliance Topics to Explore at the Upcoming Compliance Conference
Here are 5 hot compliance topics we're looking forward to discussing at the upcoming regulatory compliance conference!

$200M Fair Lending Settlement Shows Why You Need to Know Your Numbers
A recent $200 million HUD settlement shows why you it's so important that financial institutions know their numbers for fair lending compliance.

CFPB Spotlights Future Priorities with Rulemaking Agenda Update
The CFPB's recently released rulemaking agenda highlights key areas of focus. Unsurprisingly, HMDA and TRID top the list.

4 Basic HMDA Fair Lending Questions You Need to Answer
You need to answer these 4 basic questions as you analyze HMDA data, which we discussed at the Michigan Bankers Association BEST conference this week.

Don't Let HMDA Data Fade in the Rearview
Now that your HMDA data has been filed, make sure that your data analysis doesn't fade into the rearview. Here are the key areas to explore.

Preparing for 2014 HMDA Submission: 5 Compliance Areas to Explore
The HMDA Submission deadline is fast approaching! Here are 5 HMDA data elements that you need to review for Fair Lending compliance in 2015.

5 Focus Areas for Fair Housing Community Groups: Is Your CMS Ready?
HUD awarded $40 million in grants to fair housing organizations for Fair Lending investigations. Here are the 5 key areas of focus.

3 Ways Marketing Plays a Key Role in Fair Lending Compliance
Marketing is one of the primary risk areas for Fair Lending. Check out the 3 ways marketing is critical to compliance, and how to assess risk.

3 Simple Strategies to Avoid CRA, Fair Lending, and Redlining Risk
Read to learn the 3 simple strategies we recommend for avoiding Fair Lending & CRA compliance surprises, especially with regard to redlining.

The Cullen/Frost Merger Shows that Fair Lending Is Critical to Growth
The recent Cullen/Frost acquisition of WNB Bancshares proves that Fair Lending compliance and M&A due diligence are critical for expansion.

5 Elements of Exception Policies Needed for Fair Lending Compliance
The recent CFPB Supervisory Highlights report shows the importance of a strong CMS, particularly loan exception management policies.

How Benchmarking Data Will Enhance Your HMDA Reporting
Benchmarking data can improve understanding of your loan data and HMDA reporting. Do you know how your HMDA data compares?

CFPB Announces 3 New HMDA Exemption Threshold & Reminder on MSAs
The CFPB released the revised asset-size exemption threshold for depository institutions under Regulation C (which implements HMDA) for 2014.

3 Fair Lending Exams Defined - Which is Your Flavor?
The CFPB quietly published its baseline review modules for Fair Lending. Which flavor exam will you receive from your regulator?

60 Days Before 2012 HMDA Data is Public – 5 Data Points to Prepare!
HMDA data is made public every September. Review 5 simple data points to assess your Fair Lending Risk.

CFPB Declares Data-Centric Future with New Strategy. Are You Ready?
CFPB is quickly moving into a data-centric world as evidenced by their strategic plan. Is your compliance management program ready?