April Compliance News by the Numbers: 7 Important Stats
April Lending Compliance News: 7 important stats about compliance, community banks, the CFPB, and more.

4 Steps Best Practice Organizations Will Take After Filing HMDA
Free Fair Lending Report and 4 Steps To Take After Filing HMDA Data to Enhance Regulatory Compliance Program.

7 Levels of Fair Lending Training Success - How Do You Compare?
Compare your existing fair lending training program to the industry's best practices. Use the self-assessment tool to compare your current standing.

5 Settlements, 1 Lesson on Fair Lending Risk and Maternity Leave
This is the one lesson you need to know about maternity leave-related Fair Lending complex, as illustrated by five recent settlements.

Compliance Alert: HUD Creates Standard on Discriminatory Effect
HUD formalizes national standard for using disparate impact rule to determine if discriminatory behavior exists in fair lending reviews.

CFPB and DOJ Collaborate on Fair Lending: 3 Key Areas Defined
CFPB publishes first annual Report on Fair Lending and establishes fair lending collaboration framework with DOJ. Assess your fair lending program.

CFPB Provides Fair Lending Road Map with 8 Success Elements
The CFPB's first Supervisory Highlights provides great insights regarding how to succeed with Fair Lending compliance.

The Keys to Balancing Safety & Soundness with Fair Lending Compliance
Fair Lending regulatory compliance and Safety & Soundness can co-exist with the right policies, procedures and compliance management program.

$2m Fair Lending Bias Settlement - Loan Policies & Disparate Impact
Fair Lending continues to garner regulatory attention as evidenced by the Luther Burbank Savings settlement with the Justice Department.

2011 HMDA Data Ready for Release - Are You Ready to Act in 3 Days?
Imminent release of 2011 HMDA data by FFIEC requires action by bankers.

$3.5m Bias Settlement - Highlights Fair Lending Monitoring Risk
$3.5m Fair Lending settlement highlights required elements of a Fair Lending Compliance Management Program.

6 Keys to CRA Community Development Success Told With BBQ Sauce
Managing CRA and Community Development is like Carolina BBQ sauce; we'll define 6 key best practices for success.

$175m Fair Lending Settlement - Highlights 5 Risks Banks Must Manage
Wells Fargo will pay at least $175m to settle fair lending accusations that the company discriminated against borrowers.

2010 Census Impacts CRA and Fair Lending Approach
FFIEC will release the updated 2010 census data on June 29th. CRA and Fair Lending exams are immediately impacted.

The $21m Fair Lending Price Tag for Loan Officer Discretion
When you have a combination of loan officer discretion AND disparities, you have the ingredients for in-depth regulator Fair Lending review.

Compliance Innovation Reduces Costs, Increases Profitability
Community Banks are using innovative partners to reduce the cost of compliance and improve their efficiency ratios.

5 Regulatory Compliance Priorities for 2012 & Beyond
Read this blog in order to learn the five regulatory compliance priorities to focus on in 2012 and beyond!

Happy New Year! 3 Compliance Resolutions for 2012
TRUPOINT Partners is committed to quality reporting, providing the best service, and improving our data analysis and reports in 2012.

FDIC Chairman Announces Community Bank Initiatives
The FDIC is reviewing key challenges facing community banks.

The Reality of the Consumer Compliance Quandary
Bank compliance officers are in a quandary. Many of them report that they know regulatory change is coming and they realize the need to be prepared, but it…

Here We Go Again...FHA Commissioner Warns the Mortgage Industry About Fair Lending Compliance
FHA Commissioner condemned the industry because some bankers refuse to participate in gov. programs to refinance borrowers who are upside-down on their mor…

The Regulators are on the Fair Lending Warpath
Examiners are paying more attention to lending compliance issues, such as fair lending, CRA, and HMDA than at any time in the recent past.

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TRUPOINT Partners' blog keeps compliance officers and senior bankers in touch with the latest regulatory changes.