Navigating Compliance Challenges: Lessons from Credit Union Enforcement Actions
Learn from the mistakes of credit unions and explore how your financial institution can mitigate risk and elevate your compliance program.
The Redlining Wake-Up Call: Lessons for Mortgage Lenders
Mortgage lenders must take action to address redlining risks and ensure fair lending practices to avoid severe penalties. Learn more.
DOJ Fines Credit Union $6.5 Million in Redlining Settlement
First-ever credit union DOJ redlining settlement shows that fair lending is a credit union challenge too.
8 Red Flags Indicating Potential Fair Lending Risk
When assessing Fair Lending risk, it’s not just what your FI is doing, but what it’s not doing. These 8 red flags may indicate potential Fair Lending risk.
1071 Update – August 2024
The latest 1071 compliance updates, news, and analysis for financial institutions and small business lenders covered under the CFPB’s Section 1071 rule.
Fair Lending DOJ Referrals Up 175%: How Many Did Your Regulator Refer?
Find out which fair lending violations are leading to DOJ referrals for banks and credit unions – and how to protect your financial institution.
Managing 1071 Costs
Small business lenders worried about the high cost of Section 1071 implementation should consider the benefits of outsourcing.
DOJ Settles $9 Million Redlining Suit with Bank
How does your financial institution manage unintentional redlining? Regulators require data that demonstrates HDMA compliance.
3 Things Compliance Officers Should Do to Prepare for an Exam
We'll share 3 actions the best compliance officers take, and 6 steps for Fair Lending exam prep. If you have an upcoming exam, you need to read this.
Recent Trends in Fair Lending Compliance
The DOJ is bringing Fair Lending Lawsuits against financial institutions. Is your institution prepared? Read more about recent trends in fair lending compl…
Inside the CFPB Fair Lending Report 2023
Find out the latest fair lending violations across the agencies and where they’ll be looking next as we share highlights of the CFPB Fair Lending Report.
Section 1071 Data Collection: What Is “Reasonably Designed?”
Ncontracts answers your questions about reasonably designed procedures for Section 1071 small business data collection procedures and timing
Changing Census Tracts and the Impact on Your Fair Lending Analysis
Changes to census tracts from the 2020 census can impact your Community Reinvestment Act (CRA), redlining, and other fair lending analytics.
Consumer Fair Lending Analysis - What's in a Name?
Examiners are conducting Fair Lending comparative analysis using “surrogates” to assign gender and ethnicity.
Redlining Enforcement in 2023 Already Cost Banks $40 million
Redlining enforcement is heating up. Here are best practices to avoid and correct unintentional redlining.
How to Tell Your HMDA Data Story
HMDA data story best practices – everything from data collection and analysis to board reporting
1071 Update: Q&A with a Reg Expert
Ncontracts 1071 expert answers frequently asked questions (FAQ) about 1071 (commercial HMDA)
3½ Questions Before You Change Compliance Policy: Are You a Maverick?
3.5 questions you should always ask before implementing any new regulatory compliance policy. Don't be a Maverick.
Lending Compliance Q&A for Lenders
Lenders are focused on bringing in and closing loans, but they are also responsible for compliance. Here are some Q&As to help stay focused and compliant.
Are Your Written Lending Policies Keeping Pace with the Economic Environment?
Banks, credit unions, and mortgage companies need to reassess lending policies, including fair lending, in an evolving economic environment
DOJ & CFPB Follow Up on Promise for “Vigorous” Redlining Enforcement with $24 Million Mortgage Company Settlement
3 redlining enforcement takeaways for mortgage companies.
7 Fair Lending Risks You Need to Know Right Now
As Fair Lending Compliance gains greater attention, financial institutions must understand the seven primary risks.
Credit Union Fair Lending: The Most Common Mistakes & Violations
NCUA shares credit unions’ most common fair lending mistakes and violations.
8 Common Fair Lending Compliance Myths - and the Realities!
Here are the 8 Common Fair Lending Myths - and the Realities! Learn more and get this free download to reduce your Fair Lending risk today!
Is Your FI Complying with Fair Lending Laws? - Leverage Analytics
Is your financial institution complying with Fair Lending laws? It’s a deceptively simple question with a complicated answer.
Fair Lending Analysis: 3 Methods for Determining Borrower Race & Ethnicity
When examiners look at your loan portfolio for fair lending, they want to see how your financial institution performed across different races and...
4 Key Stages of Your HMDA Data's Yearly Lifecycle
All HMDA data goes through four key phases in its yearly lifecycle. Learn what those phases are, and best practice strategies to help...
What Is Appraisal Bias and How Can My Financial Institution Avoid It?
7 best practices to avoid discriminatory appraisals—and the risk of litigation and regulatory trouble that comes with them
52 HMDA Filing Questions Answered by Compliance Experts
Our compliance experts answer questions about HMDA filing for your financial institution.
What Does the New Illinois CRA Law Mean for Mortgage Companies & Credit Unions?
FAQ for Illinois state CRA law and top tips for CRA compliance