What We Learned about UDAAP & RESPA from Recent Settlements
Learn these important UDAAP and RESPA compliance lessons from recent CFPB settlements, or be doomed to repeat them!
Don't Let HMDA Data Fade in the Rearview
Now that your HMDA data has been filed, make sure that your data analysis doesn't fade into the rearview. Here are the key areas to explore.
9 Fair Lending Exam Triggers & 4 Compliance Tips from the NCUA
Check out this blog that includes 7 fair lending exam triggers, plus more than 10 fair lending compliance best practices!
6 Tips for Managing Exceptions & Lowering Your Fair Lending Risk
Do you know the six key risks of exception management to assess for Fair Lending compliance? Check them out here, and get actionable best practices.
CRA, Fair Lending Compliance Remain Essential in Mergers
CRA compliance is an essential part of any bank's growth strategy, as shown by recent mergers. Here are 5 best practice tips for CRA compliance.
Preparing for 2014 HMDA Submission: 5 Compliance Areas to Explore
The HMDA Submission deadline is fast approaching! Here are 5 HMDA data elements that you need to review for Fair Lending compliance in 2015.
9 Essential Steps of Fair Lending Indirect Auto Analysis
Check out the 9 essential steps for effective Indirect Auto Fair Lending analysis, and learn how to identify and mitigate your risk.
3 Reasons Why BSA/AML Risk Assessments Are Essential for Compliance
Find out why it's important to conduct a BSA / AML compliance risk assessment, and get a risk-free, no-obligation consultation today.
Our Top 5 Compliance Blog Posts of 2014
Here's a roundup of the top 5 compliance blog posts from TRUPOINT in 2014. From HMDA Plus to compliance culture, we've got you covered.
The Essential First Step to Take Before Conducting a Risk Assessment
Navigating top consumer compliance concerns and conducting a compliance risk assessment, you need to take this one essential step.
7 Key Compliance Reminders from the CFPB
Here are 7 key regulatory compliance reminders from the CFPB's annual Supervisory Report, and best practice guidelines. Also get your free eBrief!
2 Essential Steps for Regulatory Compliance Success
Learn the 2 steps that compliance officers need to achieve their goals and a get a free eBrief with regulatory compliance best practices.
Regulator Insights on Fair Lending Risk: 3 Great Reminders
Learn the top 3 Fair Lending compliance hot topics according to regulators, including Fair Lending risk assessments, trip wires, and a strong CMS.
5 Focus Areas for Fair Housing Community Groups: Is Your CMS Ready?
HUD awarded $40 million in grants to fair housing organizations for Fair Lending investigations. Here are the 5 key areas of focus.
Maternity Leave & Fair Lending: 3 Lessons from Wells Fargo Settlement
HUD's recent $5 million settlement with Wells Fargo provides three critical lessons Fair Lending maternity leave risk, and sample policy. Read here:
3 Ways Marketing Plays a Key Role in Fair Lending Compliance
Marketing is one of the primary risk areas for Fair Lending. Check out the 3 ways marketing is critical to compliance, and how to assess risk.
3 Fair Lending Risks Lenders Need To Know, Plus A Free Risk Assessment
3 Fair Lending compliance risks lenders need to know, like discretion and policies, and tips for how to manage risk. Get a Free Risk Assessment, too!
Why Benchmarks Matter: Is Your Fair Lending Analysis Short or Tall?
Comparing your HMDA data to benchmarks provides critical insight. Read on to learn more about benchmarks, and 5 common Fair Lending risks.
Are Your Underwriting Policies Creating Fair Lending Risk?
Recent settlements provide key insights about underwriting, disability income and ATR. Sample HUD-approved policy language included.
6 Questions to Test Your Compliance Culture
Compliance culture is critical for regulatory compliance. Evaluate your financial institution's compliance culture with this free-self assessment.
5 Key Lessons about Consumer Complaints from the CFPB [Infographic]
5 key lessons learned about Fair Lending complaint management from the annual consumer complaint report released by the CFPB.
Here is HMDA Plus: What You Need to Know About the Changes
The CFPB just released a new HMDA rule proposal. Here's what you need to know about the upcoming changes for mortgage lending.
Consumer Complaint Management System Best Practices
The CFPB's proposed public database of consumer narratives shows the importance of an effective consumer complaint management system.
7 Key Fair Lending & UDAAP Reminders from the CFPB
7 key Fair Lending & UDAAP compliance lessons from the CFPB enforcement action with GE Capital Retail Bank.
The Cullen/Frost Merger Shows that Fair Lending Is Critical to Growth
The recent Cullen/Frost acquisition of WNB Bancshares proves that Fair Lending compliance and M&A due diligence are critical for expansion.
3 Key Topics of the ABA Regulatory Compliance Conference
See us at Booth 410 at ABA Regulatory Compliance Conference! Here are 3 key topics we'll be exploring.
Auto Lending's Dangerous Trio of Fair Lending Risk Factors
Auto Lending: Discretion on dealer markups, dealer compensation, and disparities in pricing are a dangerous trio of Fair Lending risk factors
5 Elements of Exception Policies Needed for Fair Lending Compliance
The recent CFPB Supervisory Highlights report shows the importance of a strong CMS, particularly loan exception management policies.
5 Tips to Avoid Being Prioritized for a CFPB Fair Lending Exam
The CFPB's recent Fair Lending report outlined their exam prioritization policies. Here are 5 factors they assess, and how to avoid prioritization.
CFPB’s Latest Fair Lending Report Provides Compliance Insight, Advice
The CFPB's recent Fair Lending report offers compliance insight and advice to lenders who will listen. Here are 5 CFPB Insights and 3 Key Takeaways.