52 HMDA Filing Questions Answered by Compliance Experts
Our compliance experts answer questions about HMDA filing for your financial institution.

What Does the New Illinois CRA Law Mean for Mortgage Companies & Credit Unions?
FAQ for Illinois state CRA law and top tips for CRA compliance

The Top 10 Fair Lending Blog Posts of 2021
HMDA, redlining, CRA and other fair lending risks for banks, credit unions, mortgage companies and fintechs.

Is Your Commercial Lending Department Complying with Fair Lending Laws?
Self-evaluating commercial lending fair lending risk at banks and credit unions before Section 1071 implementation

UDAAP: Not Just a Fair Lending Issue
Make sure your financial institution is assessing and mitigating UDAAP risk

3 Steps to Develop a Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) Complaint Management Program
How to make sure your community bank is catching CRA complaints suggesting evidence of redlining or other discriminatory practices

CFPB, OCC & Justice Department Team Up for $9 Million Redlining Suit as Part “Vigorous” Fair Lending Enforcement Effort
Justice Department will “spare no resource” to ensure “vigorous” fair lending law enforcement, including a focus on redlining

CFPB Moving Forward with Section 1071 Rulemaking: 5 Things Your FI Needs to Know to Prepare
Insights into the HMDA for Small Business proposal from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB).

Regulators Are All About Fair Lending Enforcement—Including at Credit Unions
NCUA shares credit unions’ most common fair lending mistakes and violations.

7 Compliance & Risk Management Tips for Smaller Financial Institutions
How to make smaller community banks and credit unions more efficient and effective, so they can compete with larger financial institutions.

7 Fair Lending Myths for Credit Unions
Our compliance experts debunk some of the most common myths about fair lending compliance for credit unions.

The CRA Examination Process Explained
Our compliance experts discuss the 3 phases of a Community Reinvestment Act exam for financial institutions and provide guidance on how to prepare for...

43 Questions and Answers Regarding the S.2155 HMDA Partial Exemption
Questions about whether HMDA reporting under S.2155 HMDA Partial Exemption will affect your financial institution? We’ve got answers—and solutions.

Watch Out for These Common Fair Lending Violations
MDA data errors and redlining are hot issues at the CFPB.

4 Common TRID Violations Observed by the Federal Reserve
Missing or inaccurate info on loan estimates and closing disclosures can lead to trouble.

3 Common Errors to Avoid with Mortgage Call Reports
Filling out the wrong MCR, submitting late, and inaccurate data can cause NMLS licensing issues

2020 HMDA Data: 5 Takeaways for 2021
Insights into minority, low- and moderate-community mortgage lending.

Beware Fair Lending Risk in Loan Originator Compensation Programs
Loan originator compensation is a key source of fair lending risk. Proactive management of Regulation Z and fair lending compliance can help your FI avoid …

A Momentous Day in American History, A Challenge for Mortgage Compliance and Risk Management
What mortgage lenders impacted by the new federal holiday, Juneteenth, need to be thinking about for business continuity and vendor management.

Regulatory Brief for May 2021: Mortgage forbearance, climate risk, and agency updates
Ncontracts’ team of compliance experts led by Stephanie Lyon share the latest regulatory news and trends for May 2021

Your CRA Exam Is Coming Up: Do You Have Enough Community Development Credit?
What counts as Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) credit?

Trends in Mortgage Complaints: What You Need to Know
Here’s what mortgage servicers need to know about the increasing number of mortgage complaints and how to handle them.

Regulatory Brief for April 2021: State CRA laws, crypto banks, cannabis banking, and more
Beginning this month, our team of compliance experts will share the latest regulatory news and trends for the month prior. Tune in for April 2021 updates!

Missed Opportunities: How Compliance & Marketing Can Work Together to Increase Loan Volume & Reduce Lending Compliance Risk
When the compliance and marketing teams openly communicate, the result is more focused campaigns to increase loan volume and reduce potential problems.

Reputation Risk & the Consequences of Lending Discrimination: A True Story
Allegations of lending discrimination can get you in trouble with regulatory agencies, along with reputation risk and other consequences.

Lending Compliance Software: Will You Get a Return on Your Investment?
Before you write off lending compliance software, take a few minutes to assess its value and the potential return on investment (ROI).

Discover Home Loans and Ncontracts partner to streamline the mortgage process for customers
Ncontracts and QuestSoft's lending solutions team has collaborated with Discover Financial Services on a new automated prequalification review.

The CFPB’s Focus on Avoiding Foreclosures: What You Need to Know
After one year into the pandemic, the CFPB says that financial institutions have had time to adapt, and protecting consumers is the CFPB’s top priority.

Supervisory Highlights: What We Can Learn from Others to Avoid Getting in Trouble
Here're the top highlights to know more about the landscape, make changes to be uncriticised, and view your business. Read the article to know more.

The Cost of Non-Compliance: Lending Compliance Edition
From tens of thousands to millions of dollars, the cost of non-compliance can be painfully high.