What Will NCUA Examiners Be Looking at in 2020?
The NCUA’s 2020 Supervisory Priorities are published—and they are giving us a first look at the areas where NCUA will focus its examination efforts this

What Does the NCUA Look for in a CMS?
The NCUA defines a compliance management system as a credit union’s overall approach to managing compliance risk.

NCUA Eyes Economic Environment, Change Management & Third-Party Risk With 2019 Supervisory Priorities
The NCUA has made adjustments to its Supervisory Priorities for 2019 - emphasizing controlling risks, including a new focus on third-party risk management.

11+ Banking Compliance Resources You'll Need in 2019
Here are 11 valuable compliance resources you'll want to bookmark and you prepare for compliance success. As the days and months pass, we will be...

5 Strategies for Any Financial Institution's Social Media Success
Learn tips on how to better manage your social media, whether you’re one person with a million other things to do or a full-time marketer at a bank.

Regulators Say Redlining & Pricing Risk are Fair Lending Hot Topics
Regulators shared top compliance risks in the 2015 Interagency Fair Lending Hot Topics webinar. Two of the biggest? Redlining and pricing risk.

9 Fair Lending Exam Triggers & 4 Compliance Tips from the NCUA
Check out this blog that includes 7 fair lending exam triggers, plus more than 10 fair lending compliance best practices!

4 Fair Lending Best Practices - Proactively Address Risk
The four fair lending best practices outlined by the NCUA: Written Policies; Regular Risk Assessments; Consistent Monitoring; Stay Current.