8 Red Flags Indicating Potential Fair Lending Risk
When assessing Fair Lending risk, it’s not just what your FI is doing, but what it’s not doing. These 8 red flags may indicate potential Fair Lending risk.

3 Things Compliance Officers Should Do to Prepare for an Exam
We'll share 3 actions the best compliance officers take, and 6 steps for Fair Lending exam prep. If you have an upcoming exam, you need to read this.

Lending Compliance Q&A for Lenders
Lenders are focused on bringing in and closing loans, but they are also responsible for compliance. Here are some Q&As to help stay focused and compliant.

Are Your Written Lending Policies Keeping Pace with the Economic Environment?
Banks, credit unions, and mortgage companies need to reassess lending policies, including fair lending, in an evolving economic environment

8 Common Fair Lending Compliance Myths - and the Realities!
Here are the 8 Common Fair Lending Myths - and the Realities! Learn more and get this free download to reduce your Fair Lending risk today!

Is Your FI Complying with Fair Lending Laws? - Leverage Analytics
Is your financial institution complying with Fair Lending laws? It’s a deceptively simple question with a complicated answer.

Fair Lending Analysis: 3 Methods for Determining Borrower Race & Ethnicity
When examiners look at your loan portfolio for fair lending, they want to see how your financial institution performed across different races and...

Reputation Risk & the Consequences of Lending Discrimination: A True Story
Allegations of lending discrimination can get you in trouble with regulatory agencies, along with reputation risk and other consequences.

Supervisory Highlights: What We Can Learn from Others to Avoid Getting in Trouble
Here're the top highlights to know more about the landscape, make changes to be uncriticised, and view your business. Read the article to know more.

The Cost of Non-Compliance: Lending Compliance Edition
From tens of thousands to millions of dollars, the cost of non-compliance can be painfully high.

What is a Fair Lending Compliance Management System (CMS)?
Now is the time for institutions to strengthen fair lending compliance management systems (CMS), including fair lending programs that ensure compliance.

Let Me Tell You a Story
Let us tell you a story about a bank that works hard to comply with fair lending laws to be there for the people of Far, Far Away.

New Redlining Suit: Are You Making the Same Mistake as Redfin?
Redlining made news again when the NFHA and other fair housing organizations filed a suit against Redfin, an online real estate service.

What Went Wrong? CFPB Fines Bank $200,000 for HMDA Errors
This week we bring you a reminder that the CFPB could fine your bank $200,000 for HMDA data errors.

HMDA Data Scrubbing FAQ
Here are the answers to your most frequently asked questions about HMDA data scrubbing.

3 Ways to Use Consumer Complaints to Manage Lending Compliance Risk
Here are three ways financial institutions can use consumer complaint management to reduce compliance risk when it comes to fair lending.

CFPB Proposals on Small Business Data Collection
Understanding how the CFPB may implement sec 1071 of Dodd-Frank can help your FI make strategic decisions when it comes to small business data collection.

Fed Releases Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) Modernization Proposal
After a long deliberation, the Federal Reserve released its Advanced Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (ANPR) for the Community Reinvestment Act this week.

CFPB Sues Debt Collectors: Are You Making the Same Compliance Mistakes?
The CFPB sued debt collectors and debt buyers for making compliance mistakes that allegedly violated the CFPA and FDCPA.

How to Avoid Accidental Lending Bias During the Mortgage Boom
Avoid accidental lending bias during this time when home mortgage refinancing demand is at a record high and lenders are working at a frenzied pace.

CFPB Fines Mortgage Company $150,000 for Deceiving Veterans: What Went Wrong?
CFPB fines a California-based mortgage company $150,000 after sending veterans mailers with misleading or deceptive statements.

Making Lending Fair for Everyone
Fair lending means lending should be fair for everyone. Here are a few steps that financial institutions should take to help ensure everyone a...

FIs & Consumer Groups Agree: New GSE Mortgage Fee Is Not Fair
Financial institutions and consumer groups are in an uproar and both agree the new GSE fee on mortgage refinances is not fair.

Fair Lending Enforcement Is Heating Up: Avoid These 3 Mistakes
It’s been a busy summer for fair lending compliance enforcement. Both the CFPB and the Justice Department have been cracking down on Fair Lending...

COVID-19 Loan Relief: 3 Risk Management & Fair Lending Tips
Financial institutions have been working with borrowers struggling as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Here are 3 risk management and fair lending tips.

6 Tips for Telling Your PPP Fair Lending Story
It is important to be able to tell your Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) Fair Lending story. We’re giving you 6 key tips to help you do it.

Fair Lending & PPP: Who Tells Your Story?
The Paycheck Protection Program is becoming a hot topic in Fair Lending. Who is going to tell your PPP Fair Lending story?

OCC Says Fair Lending Risk Is on the Rise
The OCC notes that overall compliance risk is increasing, calling out Fair Lending risk, in particular, is on the rise.

Second “Buy Here, Pay Here” Auto Dealership in Hot Water Over Fair Lending
Second case of “buy here, pay here” auto dealership in hot water with authorities for Fair Lending violations.

What the Fed Chair has to Say About Fair Lending Enforcement
We’ll check in on Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell’s latest comments on Fair Lending enforcement.