PPP: Fair Lending Fields in the Forgiveness Application & Updated Law
Just when you think you’ve finally wrapped your head around the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), new information changes your outlook.

Fair Lending FAQs: Small Businesses & the Paycheck Protection Program
The Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) has proven a more-than challenging endeavor for financial institutions.

OCC Releases Final CRA Modernization Rule: What You Need to Know
The OCC released its final Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) rule last week, shortly before Comptroller Joseph Otting stepped down.

Fair Lending in the Time of COVID: Trends from the CFPB & OCC
We may be weary from living it and reading about it, but COVID-19 continues to impact every aspect of everyday life—including fair lending...

Fair Lending Pitfall #3: The CARES Act & PPP
Do you like your small business lending with a side of controversy? If so, you’ve probably been actively monitoring the Paycheck Protection...

How COVID-19 Is Impacting Fair Lending Compliance
Small business loan demand is through the roof thanks to government assistance programs, while low mortgage rates have resulted in high demand

Fair Lending Pitfalls: The CARES Act & Mortgage Loan Servicing
Congress passed the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (more commonly known as the CARES Act) last month, learn how it effects you.

Covid-19 Risk Management: Balancing CRA & Fair Lending
The Federal Reserve Board, the FDIC, and the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency encourage financial institutions to work with affected customers

How Regression Analysis Can Help Your Fair Lending Program
Regression analysis is an incredibly useful tool, but many lenders are hesitant to embrace it because they think it’s too complicated. It’s a...

Educational Redlining Report Raises Questions About Fair Lending
Imagine a 24-year-old analyst applying to refinance a $30,000 student loan. He lives in New York City, makes $50,000 a year, and has held his job...

Tips for Prepping Commercial Lenders for Fair Lending Changes Ahead
Commercial lenders have a reputation for thinking they don’t need to worry about compliance and fair lending.

Fed Strategies for Managing Fair Lending Risks of Digital Redlining
The Community Reinvestment Act (CRA), the OCC and the FDIC finally released their proposed rulemaking for the regulation’s first overhaul in 25 years.

Is HMDA for Small Business on Its Way?
Regulatory agencies have been emphasizing the importance of a strong and effective CMS. Find out four ways to streamline your CMS.

NCUA: HMDA Violations Thrive in Weak CMSs
Why do Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA) Loan Application Register (LAR) violations happen? Weaknesses in compliance management...

Fair Lending Risk: Do You Have a Seat at the Risk Management Table?
Your institution uses compliance analytics software and services for fair lending, HMDA, CRA, and redlining so that it can recognize risks, increase...

All the Fair Lending News That’s Fit to Print
2019 has been a big year for Fair Lending news. We catch you up on the latest.

OCC Hopes to Issue Joint CRA Proposal This Fall
Comptroller of the Currency Joseph Otting is hopeful that a joint CRA modernization proposal will be issued on an interagency basis this fall.

3 Benefits of Analytics Software vs. Manual Analysis of Your HMDA Data
Are you still analyzing your Fair Lending data manually? If so, it’s time to consider a different approach. Here are the benefits of replacing a manual...

5 Fair Lending Lessons Learned in 2019
Now is perfect time to reflect on some of the lessons learned this year. In particular, we’ve seen lots of changes in Fair Lending compliance.

5 Fair Lending Lessons Learned in 2019
As Q4 approaches, it's time for compliance professionals to reflect on the changes we’ve seen so far. Here are 5 fair lending lessons learned this year.

15 Key Insights from the CFPB Fair Lending Report [Part Two]
Check out the second half of our two-part series on the CFPB's 2018 Fair Lending Report. If you have to comply with Fair Lending, this post is for you.

Tips for Implementing 3 Lines of Defense in your CMS from a Compliance Pro
Learn tips for how to implement three lines of defense into your compliance management system from a compliance pro with more than 20 years of experience.

2 Key Elements of a Successful Compliance Management System from the CFPB
Learn the two essential components of any successful Compliance Management System (CMS) to ensure that your financial institutions is in shape.

This $25M Settlement Highlights UDAAP Risk and FDCPA Changes
This recent $5M Civil Money Penalty from the CFPB against a debt collector highlights the importance of compliant debt collection practices. Learn more!

Fair Lending Fireworks: 3 Trends in the Hottest Area of Compliance
In the spirit of July 4th, learn what's sparking fireworks in Fair Lending compliance. After the $1.75M consent order, this is news you'll want to know.

Does this $1.75M Fair Lending Consent Order Signal Changes in Compliance Enforcement?
Does this $1.75M Fair Lending consent order signal a change in regulatory enforcement? We're talking HMDA, Fair Lending, and what this means for you.

TRUPOINT Partners is Becoming NTRUPOINT - What That Means For You
There are big changes coming to TRUPOINT Partners over the next few weeks and months. Here’s what all those changes might mean for you.

5 Free Compliance Resources to Download and Share
Get 5 valuable, free, compliance resources to download and share with your colleagues, including a brand-new Fair Lending training module!

How To Prepare for the Public HMDA Data Release Next Month
More HMDA data will be publicly released in May 2019. This data has more depth and may spark additional Fair Lending scrutiny. Learn how to prepare today!

Fair Lending Risk Assessments: Absolutely Everything You Need to Know
The answers to frequently asked questions about Fair Lending Risk Assessments plus a free tool to help you evaluate your fair lending risk assessments