What Should I Do After Submitting My HMDA Data?
Here are 10 steps you need to take after filing your HMDA LAR to strengthen your Fair Lending compliance program. Plus, get the post-HMDA filing checklist!

What is Fair Lending Discrimination?
What is Fair Lending discrimination? Learn how to define Fair Lending discrimination, and what it really means for you, with these five simple examples!

5 Reasons to Love Your HMDA Data & Analysis!
In the spirit of Valentine's Day, ere are five real reasons to love your HMDA data in 2019, and how you can analyze it for success! Don't miss out.

$11.8M UDAAP Compliance Settlement Highlights Regulatory Priorities
Do you know your UDAAP compliance risk? For all types of financial service providers, UDAAP risk management remains a focal point...

[Survey] Are You Tuned Into the Compliance Pulse?
Take this compliance survey and be automatically entered to win a $150 gift card!

7 Insights You'll Get from this Free HMDA Fair Lending Report
With this free 2018 Edition of the HMDA Fair Lending report, you will learn 7 powerful data-driven insights that can help your financial institution...

5 Ways Intelligent Branch Planning Can Save Your Bank Millions
Here are 5 clear ways that intelligent branch planning can save your bank or credit union millions of dollars, with the numbers to prove it.

5 Scary Stories Guaranteed to Give You the Compliance Creeps!
Whether you're a Compliance Officer or a President, here are 5 scary banking stories from October guaranteed to give you the compliance creeps...

5 Fun Ways to Celebrate the Fair Housing Act's 50th Birthday
One of the most fundamental regulations to today's compliance landscape is the Fair Housing Act. As this landmark legislation turns 50, here...

5 Lessons from HUD's "Digital Redlining" Complaint Against Facebook
Last week, the Department of Housing and Urban Development announced a formal complaint against Facebook for alleged digital...

11 Powerful Headlines Showcase the Media's Focus on Redlining
In the compliance world, Redlining remains a primary area of focus. Regulatory agencies, no matter their politics or priorities, agree that Redlining...

$30,000 Fair Lending Settlement Highlights Power of Community Groups
A recent Fair Lending settlement with a $1B New York-based credit union highlights the importance of a strong Fair Lending compliance risk management...

FinCEN Publishes 37 Much-Anticipated Beneficial Ownership FAQs
Learn the 37 questions answered by FinCEN, and get even more resources about the upcoming CDD/Beneficial Ownership rule.

How to Understand Your Redlining Risk in 3 Simple Steps
Redlining risk is a red-hot topic for the regulators. Here are 3 simple steps for understanding and managing your redlining risk!

7 Quick HMDA Compliance Videos to Watch & Share
With the prospect of 2017 HMDA LAR being released as soon as next week, on April 1, HMDA and Fair Lending remain top priorities...

Answers to 5 Basic FAQs about the Final HMDA Rule
Learn the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about the Final HMDA Rule that you may be asking. You'll also get access to our HMDA...

5 Ways to Convince Management that Compliance is Important
Here are 5 tips to help you show your financial institution's management why compliance matters! Learn how to show them why compliance is so important.

The Rising Cost of Compliance & How the Best Banks Respond
Compliance costs are rising. With this free infographic, you'll be armed with bullet-proof statistics to help you negotiate your future compliance budget.

Beware these 4 Spooky Ghosts that Haunt Your Compliance Program!
This Halloween, make sure that these 10 ghouls aren't haunting your consumer compliance program - and how to get rid of them with a little practical magic.

Creating a Successful Compliance Program: Budgets, Buy-in & Building a Team
Learn how to establish a solid foundation for your compliance program, with tips on determining a budget, garnering leadership buy-in and structuring...

Is Fair Lending Software Worth the Cost? 21 Factors to Consider
Consult this resource to help you decipher the value inherent in Fair Lending analysis software and make the right decision for your organization.

Do You Know the DOJ's Top 3 Fair Lending Priorities?
The DOJ released their annual ECOA report full of essential regulatory insights. Topping the list of Fair Lending compliance priorities? You guessed it..Re…

Top 13 Proven Benefits of HMDA Software for Fair Lending Compliance [Part 1]
Leveraging a HMDA software for data analysis and risk management can yield benefits for your Fair Lending & HMDA compliance program, and institution...

The Top 10 Worst Excuses for Not Analyzing HMDA Data for Fair Lending Compliance
Here are the top 10 worst excuses for not analyzing HMDA data regularly - and why they're risky. In addition, you'll learn some key data points to consider…

Fair Lending Quiz: Assess Your Compliance Risk Exposure!
Fair Lending is still a top regulatory priority in 2022, and risk management is as important as ever. In this post, get access to a free Fair Lending quiz!

8 Key Questions to Help You Determine Your Unique Fair Lending Risk
We can boil down the various Fair Lending laws (ECOA, FHA, etc.) to a single question that serves as the litmus test for Fair Lending compliance.

What is A Real-World Example of Fair Lending Discrimination?
Learn how Fair Lending discrimination risk can negatively impact your bank, mortgage company or credit union's reputation through these 3 examples!

BSA/AML Compliance by the Numbers
A recent survey of 160 compliance officers provided valuable insights about their BSA/AML compliance. Read on to see the results, and learn how you compare

7 Fair Lending Tips Every CEO & Board Member Needs to Know
Here are 7 Fair Lending tips every CEO, President and Senior Board Member should know in order to reduce risk and improve compliance. Plus, get a free...

7 Regulator-Approved Facts about REMAs for Successful Redlining Analysis
Get answers to your questions about REMAs, and learn 5 regulator-approved facts about REMAs that will help with successful Redlining Analysis.