This is How We Guarantee Compliance Success for Our Clients
Ever wondered what TRUPOINT does, why we do it, and how we add value? Here's some detail on our approach to compliance analysis and consulting.

5 Regulatory Compliance Priorities for 2016 and Beyond
Here are 5 regulator priorities for 2016 and beyond - use this insight to plan your compliance goals for the new year!

A Brief Review of Recent News Shows Redlining Risk is Red-Hot
This survey of recent redlining news shows that it's a compliance priority for the regulators, and will continue to be a focal point in 2016.

7 Time Management Hacks for Super-Busy Compliance Professionals
Compliance officers deal with lots of work-related stress. Use these 7 time-management hacks to be more productive and reduce stress!

Regulators Say Redlining & Pricing Risk are Fair Lending Hot Topics
Regulators shared top compliance risks in the 2015 Interagency Fair Lending Hot Topics webinar. Two of the biggest? Redlining and pricing risk.

CFPB Turned High Beams on Auto Lending. Will Lenders See the Light?
Learn regulatory guidance on dealer compensation based on three recent CFPB consent orders! Plus, get a free summary of the consent orders.

Put Work-Life Balance in Your Compliance Budget!
Learn how to put work-life balance back in your compliance budget by reducing stress, improving efficiencies, and finding more fulfillment at work!

7 Fair Lending HMDA Questions to Kickstart Your Compliance
All institutions must analyze their HMDA data for Fair Lending risk exposure, or risk being unprepared for the regulators. Here are 7 questions to answer.

Here are the 4 Pillars of a Strong BSA/AML Compliance Program
A risk assessment is the essential foundation for developing a BSA/AML compliance program.

Why You Need to Know Your Unique Demographics to Accurately Assess Your Fair Lending Risk
Here's a free tool to help you better understand your fair lending risk, which will provide insight into your unique market demographics.

CFPB-Honda Settlement Gives 3 Options for Fair Lending Compliance
The CFPB and DOJ allegedly identified discrimination in Honda's auto lending, which led to 3 regulator-approved approaches to dealer compensation.

A Friendly Reminder about Responding to Direct Regulatory Guidance
When you get direct regulatory guidance, here are the four steps you absolutely need to take - regardless of your institution's size.

Supreme Court Upholds FHA's Disparate Impact Theory
Today the Supreme Court upheld disparate impact theory. Here is a quick summary of the findings, as well as links to additional resources.

What the CFPB's Move to Oversee Nonbank Auto Financers Really Means
The CFPB's move to regulate nonbank auto finance lenders is shaking up auto compliance. Here's what the new exam procedures mean for you.

5 Key Insights Every Compliance Officer Should Know
Here are 5 key insights about regulatory compliance that all compliance officers need to know and implement, highlighted at 2015's ABA compliance...

4 Emerging Compliance Themes Identified at Day 1 of the ABA RCC
Here are 4 emerging compliance themes, including HMDA Plus and fair banking, identified at the ABA's annual compliance conference.

5 Hot Compliance Topics to Explore at the Upcoming Compliance Conference
Here are 5 hot compliance topics we're looking forward to discussing at the upcoming regulatory compliance conference!

$200M Fair Lending Settlement Shows Why You Need to Know Your Numbers
A recent $200 million HUD settlement shows why you it's so important that financial institutions know their numbers for fair lending compliance.

CFPB Spotlights Future Priorities with Rulemaking Agenda Update
The CFPB's recently released rulemaking agenda highlights key areas of focus. Unsurprisingly, HMDA and TRID top the list.

3 Clear Ways to Limit Fair Lending Risk
We had a great time with the Indiana Bankers Association last week, and had interesting discussions about stereotypes and fair lending risk.

A Guide to the CFPB's 2015 Fair Lending Report
The CFPB's 2015 Fair Lending report provides some key lessons on HMDA, exceptions policy, auto lending, common violations, and more.

DOJ Delivers Reminders on Fair Lending Compliance & Discrimination
The DOJ's 2014 Annual ECOA Report shared these key reminders on fair lending compliance & discrimination for auto, mortgage, credit cards and unsecured con…

4 Ways Compliance Can Protect Your Institution's Resources
Learn how a stronger third-party risk management system could have mitigated the damage of a CMP for one financial institution.

Prep for a CRA Compliance Exam: 9 Steps to Success
These nine important steps will help you prepare for a Community Reinvestment Act evaluation and improve your CRA compliance program.

4 Basic HMDA Fair Lending Questions You Need to Answer
You need to answer these 4 basic questions as you analyze HMDA data, which we discussed at the Michigan Bankers Association BEST conference this week.

12 Compliance Recommendations on Auto Lending from a DOJ Settlement
The DOJ recently shared these 12 recommendations for indirect auto fair lending compliance, based on a recent settlement.

What We Learned about UDAAP & RESPA from Recent Settlements
Learn these important UDAAP and RESPA compliance lessons from recent CFPB settlements, or be doomed to repeat them!

Don't Let HMDA Data Fade in the Rearview
Now that your HMDA data has been filed, make sure that your data analysis doesn't fade into the rearview. Here are the key areas to explore.

9 Fair Lending Exam Triggers & 4 Compliance Tips from the NCUA
Check out this blog that includes 7 fair lending exam triggers, plus more than 10 fair lending compliance best practices!

6 Tips for Managing Exceptions & Lowering Your Fair Lending Risk
Do you know the six key risks of exception management to assess for Fair Lending compliance? Check them out here, and get actionable best practices.