Risk Management: How Do You Measure Up?
There’s something tantalizing about comparisons. It’s nice to know where you stack up when it comes to both your peers and the institutions you aspire to

Willing to Take a Gamble? Don't Wager on High-Risk Activities Without a Careful Risk Assessment
Sports gambling is the latest high-risk business opportunity to open up to banks. Add that to state-level legalization of recreational and medical

Congress is Rolling Back Regulations. Can You Roll Back on Risk Management?
Banks and credit unions across the country are rejoicing at the passage of the Economic Growth, Regulatory Relief and Consumer Protection Act.

Notifying Clients of Data Breaches: Which State Law Should We Follow?
Your financial institution is regulated by one state but has an office in another state. Which state’s law do you follow in the event of a data breach?

Is Your Bank Considering a Merger or Acquisition? Here's How Compliance Risk Can Impact the Deal
We're expecting to see a renewed wave of bank M&A activity over the coming months, driven by a rising SIFI threshold. If your bank...

Creating Reliable Risk Assessments: How to Measure BSA Risk
The FFIEC recommends financial institutions conduct a BSA/AML risk assessment every 12 to 18 months or when new products or services are introduced,

Creating Reliable Risk Assessments: How to Measure Data Security / GLBA Risk
A Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act risk assessment should identify reasonably foreseeable internal and external threats. Learn how to measure data security

OCC Bulletin 2017-43: Guidance for Risk Management of New Activities
In the OCC bulletin 2017-43, banks are reminded that new lines of business are rife with risk potential. Careful vetting is crucial. Nrisk can help.

What is A Real-World Example of Fair Lending Discrimination?
Learn how Fair Lending discrimination risk can negatively impact your bank, mortgage company or credit union's reputation through these 3 examples!

Spreadsheets Aren’t Free: 5 Hidden Costs
The costs your institution will incur if it’s using spreadsheets to oversee risk management or compliance may not be obvious until it's too late.

The Life of A Strategic Risk Manager: The problem of manual processes
What’s it like to be a chief risk officer? It’s a complex, time-consuming job—one that balances day-to-day management with big picture planning.

DOJ Rings in 2017 with Redlining Actions Against Community Banks
The DOJ welcomed 2017 with Redlining actions directed at three banks. Learn more about those recent actions, plus a few tips for managing your Redlining ri…

When Natural Disasters Become Customer Relationship Disasters
Customers don’t want to hear that a data center across the country flooded, a cyberattack overwhelmed systems or a piece of equipment failed. In their eyes

What is Concentration Risk - And What Does My Regulator Have to Say About It?
When most bankers and credit union executives think of concentration risk, they think of lending—but concentration risk has a different meaning whentalking

Country Risk - Why It Pays to Choose Domestic Service Providers
Think it’s tricky to keep track of the rules and regulations U.S. regulatory agencies? Imagine following operational requirements of foreign countries.

Operational Risk - Foreseeing the Unforeseen Costs of Outsourcing
Operational risk is the risk of financial loss when processes, people or systems fail. It can hurt a financial institution in many ways, including these...
Financial Industry Risk Management Solutions Company Ncontracts Appoints Stacy Kilgore As New CFO
Financial Industry Risk Management Solutions Company Ncontracts Appoints Stacy Kilgore As New CFO

4 Common Characteristics of the Best Compliance Officers
You won't believe how easy it is to apply the 4 characteristics of the most effective compliance pros to your work. Check them out!

CFPB’s 10th UDAAP Consent Order Provides 3 Key Lessons
Here are 3 key UDAAP lessons we can learn from the CFPB's $700 million consent order to Citibank, the tenth such action since the CFPB's founding.

4 Ways Compliance Can Protect Your Institution's Resources
Learn how a stronger third-party risk management system could have mitigated the damage of a CMP for one financial institution.

Maternity Leave & Fair Lending: 3 Lessons from Wells Fargo Settlement
HUD's recent $5 million settlement with Wells Fargo provides three critical lessons Fair Lending maternity leave risk, and sample policy. Read here:

3 Simple Tips to Manage UDAAP Compliance Risk
UDAAP compliance is a major issue, and effectively managing risk will be critical. Also introducing UDAAP RiskCheck compliance risk assessment.

3 Key Topics of the ABA Regulatory Compliance Conference
See us at Booth 410 at ABA Regulatory Compliance Conference! Here are 3 key topics we'll be exploring.

Auto Lending's Dangerous Trio of Fair Lending Risk Factors
Auto Lending: Discretion on dealer markups, dealer compensation, and disparities in pricing are a dangerous trio of Fair Lending risk factors

3 Fair Lending Settlements Provide 5 Industry Reminders
The compliance regulators telegraph five fair lending tips through recent DOJ settlements. How does your institution's compliance program stack up?

10 Questions for Third-Party Compliance
The financial institution's senior management must actively manage third-party relationships. Here are 10 quick questions to gauge your risk.

Recent Fair Lending Settlement and Community Banks: 3 Conclusions
Texas Champion Bank settles Fair Lending complaint regarding consumer lending to Hispanics.