Making Lending Fair for Everyone
Fair lending means lending should be fair for everyone. Here are a few steps that financial institutions should take to help ensure everyone a...

Does Your CMS Measure up to DOJ Expectations?
That means it’s in a FI’s best interest to look so they can feel confident that existing policies and procedures align with DOJ expectations.

COVID-19 Update: CFPB Postpones HMDA Data Collection
As financial institutions scramble to maintain operations and aid customers and members as COVID-19 continues to spread, the Consumer Financial Protection …

NCUA: HMDA Violations Thrive in Weak CMSs
Why do Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA) Loan Application Register (LAR) violations happen? Weaknesses in compliance management...

Fair Lending Risk: Do You Have a Seat at the Risk Management Table?
Your institution uses compliance analytics software and services for fair lending, HMDA, CRA, and redlining so that it can recognize risks, increase...

3 Benefits of Analytics Software vs. Manual Analysis of Your HMDA Data
Are you still analyzing your Fair Lending data manually? If so, it’s time to consider a different approach. Here are the benefits of replacing a manual...

5 Fair Lending Lessons Learned in 2019
Now is perfect time to reflect on some of the lessons learned this year. In particular, we’ve seen lots of changes in Fair Lending compliance.

Fair Lending Fireworks: 3 Trends in the Hottest Area of Compliance
In the spirit of July 4th, learn what's sparking fireworks in Fair Lending compliance. After the $1.75M consent order, this is news you'll want to know.

Does this $1.75M Fair Lending Consent Order Signal Changes in Compliance Enforcement?
Does this $1.75M Fair Lending consent order signal a change in regulatory enforcement? We're talking HMDA, Fair Lending, and what this means for you.

Why Do I Need a HMDA and CRA Transmittal Tool?
Find out everything you need to know from A to Z about the HMDA and CRA transmittal and why you might need the software for your financial institute.

Your Quick Guide to the 2018 HMDA Data Changes
If you're a HMDA reporter, you need to read this post. Learn all about recent regulatory updates to the HMDA disclosure final rule, which will...

7 Insights You'll Get from this Free HMDA Fair Lending Report
With this free 2018 Edition of the HMDA Fair Lending report, you will learn 7 powerful data-driven insights that can help your financial institution...

7 Buzzworthy Headlines in Compliance and Banking for May 2018 - Recap!
top five banking and compliance news headlines from the month of May 2018

FinCEN Publishes 37 Much-Anticipated Beneficial Ownership FAQs
Learn the 37 questions answered by FinCEN, and get even more resources about the upcoming CDD/Beneficial Ownership rule.

How to Understand Your Redlining Risk in 3 Simple Steps
Redlining risk is a red-hot topic for the regulators. Here are 3 simple steps for understanding and managing your redlining risk!

Top 13 Proven Benefits of HMDA Software for Fair Lending Compliance [Part 1]
Leveraging a HMDA software for data analysis and risk management can yield benefits for your Fair Lending & HMDA compliance program, and institution...

Thanks for Helping TRUPOINT Reach Record 125% New Business Growth!
TRUPOINT is happy to announce 125% growth in new business in 2016, and are looking forward to a bright 2017. Thank you to everyone who made success possibl…

3 HMDA Compliance Challenges & How Fair Lending Analytics Provides Answers
With today's HMDA data submission, now is the time to start analyzing your data so that Fair Lending risks don't go unchecked. Here's how Ncontracts can...

This Year's HMDA Data is Now Public! Here's What to Do About it.
The annual release of public HMDA data always sparks discussion and delivers insight. This year is no different. Here's are five steps to take now!

Preparing for 2014 HMDA Submission: 5 Compliance Areas to Explore
The HMDA Submission deadline is fast approaching! Here are 5 HMDA data elements that you need to review for Fair Lending compliance in 2015.

CFPB Announces 3 New HMDA Exemption Threshold & Reminder on MSAs
The CFPB released the revised asset-size exemption threshold for depository institutions under Regulation C (which implements HMDA) for 2014.

60 Days Before 2012 HMDA Data is Public – 5 Data Points to Prepare!
HMDA data is made public every September. Review 5 simple data points to assess your Fair Lending Risk.

This is Every Community Bank Compliance Officer's Nightmare
The proposed bank merger between Hancock Holding Co. and Whitney Holding Corp. has been challenged on fair lending grounds.