Pandemic Planning: 10 Questions to Ask Your Vendors About Coronavirus Preparedness
As COVID-19 spreads across the country at an alarming pace, creating panic, quarantines, and serious health risks, it’s important to make sure your...

How Regression Analysis Can Help Your Fair Lending Program
Regression analysis is an incredibly useful tool, but many lenders are hesitant to embrace it because they think it’s too complicated. It’s a...

7 Best Practices for Aligning Fintech With Your Business Strategy
Fintech is one of the buzziest trends in financial services right now, and no financial institution wants to be left behind.

Leap Year: What Risk Management & Compliance Tasks Would You Tackle with One Extra Day?
That’s right, it’s Leap Year once again, and February 29th is happening for the first time in four years.

Why the OCC Is Like a Peanut Butter Cup and Other Podcast Insights?
Want to hear about OCC plans, initiatives, and priorities right from the OCC right from the source? You’ve got it!

Pandemic Planning: Is Your FI Prepared for Coronavirus?
The largest bank in Singapore made headlines last week for being the first lender to shut down its office due to coronavirus after an employee tested

Are You Making Risk Management Decisions with Your Heart or Your Head?
Whether we want to accept it or not, every person carries her own background and experiences into risk management decisions.

Educational Redlining Report Raises Questions About Fair Lending
Imagine a 24-year-old analyst applying to refinance a $30,000 student loan. He lives in New York City, makes $50,000 a year, and has held his job...

How Lincoln Reduced Financial Risk with the Creation of a National Banking System
Let’s take a minute to reflect on the amazing accomplishment that is our national banking system and the ways it reduced financial risk.

6 BCP Lessons Learned When Ncontracts Shut Down Its HQ for the Day
Ensuring smooth operations, even when your main office is inoperable or unreachable, is a cornerstone of business continuity management.

Tips for Prepping Commercial Lenders for Fair Lending Changes Ahead
Commercial lenders have a reputation for thinking they don’t need to worry about compliance and fair lending.

Heightened Cybersecurity Risk – Is Your FI Prepared?
Cybersecurity is always a top concern for financial institutions, but now supervisory agencies are warning financial institutions that cyberattacks are an

How Many Complaints Did Your Institution Get Last Year?
Consumer complaints are a part of doing business.

Fintech Risk Management & the Fed
Which financial institutions do the best job managing fintech relationships? See what the Fed has to say about fintech risk management.

Fed Strategies for Managing Fair Lending Risks of Digital Redlining
The Community Reinvestment Act (CRA), the OCC and the FDIC finally released their proposed rulemaking for the regulation’s first overhaul in 25 years.

OCC: Lack of Risk Management Leads to Enforcement Actions
Lack of appropriate governance, oversight, and risk management systems and controls are the leading cause of enforcement actions according to the OCC.

Is HMDA for Small Business on Its Way?
Regulatory agencies have been emphasizing the importance of a strong and effective CMS. Find out four ways to streamline your CMS.

A Regulator's Holiday Wish List for the Year Ahead
We’ve been taking notes at industry conferences/meetings and know exactly what a federal regulator is hoping you’ll get them this year.

How to Control the Financial Risk of a Data Breach
How much does a data breach cost? Understanding the costs can help your financial institution mitigate the financial risks of a data breach.

The Difference Between Data Privacy and Security
Data privacy and security has been getting a lot of press as the industry looks ahead to when the new consumer privacy law takes effect January 1.

NCUA: HMDA Violations Thrive in Weak CMSs
Why do Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA) Loan Application Register (LAR) violations happen? Weaknesses in compliance management...

Don’t Fear Artificial Intelligence: A Primer for AI in Risk & Compliance Management (Part 1)
Does the phrase “AI in risk and compliance management" conjure up images of robots taking over the world—or worse yet, replacing

Fair Lending Risk: Do You Have a Seat at the Risk Management Table?
Your institution uses compliance analytics software and services for fair lending, HMDA, CRA, and redlining so that it can recognize risks, increase...

What Does the Federal Reserve Look for in a CMS?
The Federal Reserve's CMS approach is based on two primary parameters: board & management oversight and the compliance program.

Risk Management Aids Prep for Risk-Focused Exams
Risk management helps financial institutions anticipate and guard against all kinds of risks. But did you know it can also help prepare for exams?

A Risk Assessor Origin Story Courtesy of Stephen King’s IT
Movies are chockfull of superhero origin stories, but what about us regular risk management folks?

All the Fair Lending News That’s Fit to Print
2019 has been a big year for Fair Lending news. We catch you up on the latest.

What Does the FDIC Look for in a CMS?
The FDIC expects a bank’s board of directors and management to have a compliance management system (CMS) adapted to its business strategy to effectively

7 Features Every Compliance Management System (CMS) Needs
Compliance management is no joke. Look for a compliance management solution with these seven key features...

OCC Hopes to Issue Joint CRA Proposal This Fall
Comptroller of the Currency Joseph Otting is hopeful that a joint CRA modernization proposal will be issued on an interagency basis this fall.