Laws vs. Regulations vs. Guidance: What's the Difference?
What's the difference between laws vs. regulations vs. guidance? We're breaking it down into a simple explanation in this blog.

5 Lessons from HUD's "Digital Redlining" Complaint Against Facebook
Last week, the Department of Housing and Urban Development announced a formal complaint against Facebook for alleged digital...

Is Your Compliance Program Reactionary or Proactive?
Is your compliance management program reactionary, or is it proactive? In this post, you'll learn why compliance is still critically important, and...

Wells Fargo Scandals: Re-Established 2018
Wells Fargo Scandals: Re-Established 2018 - Barely a month after launching its “Re-Established” ad campaign with ads about “Earning Back Your Trust”,

Two Shocking Contract Management Mistakes That Cost Bankers Their Jobs
You probably think of vendor contract management as something that protects your institution. That’s true, but it does much more than that.

7 Buzzworthy Headlines in Compliance and Banking for May 2018 - Recap!
top five banking and compliance news headlines from the month of May 2018

FinCEN Publishes 37 Much-Anticipated Beneficial Ownership FAQs
Learn the 37 questions answered by FinCEN, and get even more resources about the upcoming CDD/Beneficial Ownership rule.

See the Future of Bank Branches - and What It Means for You [Infographic]
Look into the crystal ball, and see into the future of branch strategy. With this blog and infographic, you'll learn fascinating statistics...

5 Financial and Banking Headlines You May Have Missed This January
Here are 5 trends in finance and banking that you may have missed. From CFPB updates to CRA, we'll share some news and what it means for you.

20+ Often-Overlooked Compliance Resources, Organized by Regulation
Here are at least 20 regulatory compliance resources you may not know about. We guarantee at least one of these will make your life at work a little easier

Don't Miss the Top 10 Compliance Blog Posts of 2017!
As 2017 ends, here are some of the most popular compliance blog articles of this year. You'll learn about CRA, Community Development, UDAAP, Fair...

Did You Hear the One About the Community Bank and the Russian Oligarch?
A Utah bank gets a lesson in due diligence when it discovers an account holder is one of Russia's wealthiest oligarchs with direct ties to Vladimir Putin.

The Rising Cost of Compliance & How the Best Banks Respond
Compliance costs are rising. With this free infographic, you'll be armed with bullet-proof statistics to help you negotiate your future compliance budget.

5 Tips for Successfully Navigating the New 2018 HMDA Regulations
Here are 5 best practices for implementing the new HMDA rules and regulations from the CFPB. These HMDA changes may be a challenge - here are tips for...

OCC Singles Out a Bank Director for Excessive CEO Compensation
The OCC recently called out a bank director for misconduct around compensation. Here's a quick lesson in how to fail as a bank director.

BSA/AML Compliance by the Numbers
A recent survey of 160 compliance officers provided valuable insights about their BSA/AML compliance. Read on to see the results, and learn how you compare

Compliance 101: Independent Audits, Independent Reviews & Self-Testing
Here, we will define independent audits, independent reviews and self-tests for compliance, and help you understand the key differences between them.

CFPB Just Issued their Largest-Ever HMDA Fine
The CFPB issued a $1.75M fine for HMDA reporting issues, their largest-ever for this kind of violation. Learn more about the fine and improve HMDA...

15 Tiny Productivity Tips Guaranteed to Make a Big Difference for Busy Bankers
You only have 1,440 minutes in every day. Are you making the most of yours? Here are 15 productivity tips that will improve how you manage your...

Lessons from the CFPB: Why It’s a Bad Idea for a Banker to Name His Boat Overdraft
A lawsuit against TCF National Bank alleges that it tricked consumers into signing up for costly overdraft services in order to preserve its bottom line.

Are You Delegating These 3 Key Areas of Compliance Yet?
Explore how the most successful compliance officers are delegating and leveraging experts to reduce overwhelm and better manage risk.

A Quick-and-Dirty Guide to CRA Compliance Exams
CRA compliance is familiar for many institutions. In this post, we'll cover a few things you may not know, and provide some tips for how to prep for a...

Compliance Risk - Avoid Vendor Compliance Failures by Properly Assessing Risk
Compliance risk is one of the 10 biggest vendor risks facing FIs—and the reason why FIs need to know the whats, hows and whens of its vendors’

Surrogate Regulators: The Vendor Management / Fintech Connection
Should Fintech companies be regulated? With banks responsible for third-party services and the CFPB addressing regulatory concerns, is it necessary?

Losing Control: Poor Compliance Controls Lead to $28.5 Million in Fines and Redress for Navy FCU
Empty threats are rarely a good idea—and sometimes they are straight-up illegal. That’s the lesson $73 billion-asset Navy Federal Credit Union is learning.

4 Common Characteristics of the Best Compliance Officers
You won't believe how easy it is to apply the 4 characteristics of the most effective compliance pros to your work. Check them out!

Here are the 4 Pillars of a Strong BSA/AML Compliance Program
A risk assessment is the essential foundation for developing a BSA/AML compliance program.

CFPB’s 10th UDAAP Consent Order Provides 3 Key Lessons
Here are 3 key UDAAP lessons we can learn from the CFPB's $700 million consent order to Citibank, the tenth such action since the CFPB's founding.

A Friendly Reminder about Responding to Direct Regulatory Guidance
When you get direct regulatory guidance, here are the four steps you absolutely need to take - regardless of your institution's size.

5 Key Insights Every Compliance Officer Should Know
Here are 5 key insights about regulatory compliance that all compliance officers need to know and implement, highlighted at 2015's ABA compliance...