ERM 101: What’s Your FI’s Risk Appetite?
Enterprise risk management at financial institutions starts with a board-defined risk appetite

Training Enterprise Risk Management Heroes – Maximizing the Board & C-Suite
Understanding the role the board, CEO, CFO and Chief Risk Officer (CRO) play in Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) and why the C-suite needs to be proactive

ERM: Making the Connection
One of the most frustrating things about the banking world (and life in general) is that there is often a disconnect between how things should be

3 Reasons to Invest in an Employee Intranet
3 reasons to invest in an employee Intranet

How Banks and Credit Unions Can Maximize Fintech Partnerships
What do FIs need to know before signing off on an operational technology fintech partnership? Here are 3 steps in creating efficiencies with fintechs.

Your Risk Assessment Process Questions Answered
What really goes into the risk assessment process? Your questions answered.

FIs & Consumer Groups Agree: New GSE Mortgage Fee Is Not Fair
Financial institutions and consumer groups are in an uproar and both agree the new GSE fee on mortgage refinances is not fair.

COVID-19 Loan Relief: 3 Risk Management & Fair Lending Tips
Financial institutions have been working with borrowers struggling as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Here are 3 risk management and fair lending tips.

Improve Your Audit Plan With 5 Key Risk Management Principles
It can be hard to figure out where an audit plan should begin. Here are five key risk management principles to focus on to improve your audit plan.

Which Hamilton Character Is Your Right-Hand Man?
Take this fun quiz to find out which Hamilton character would be your right-hand risk manager.

OCC Says Fair Lending Risk Is on the Rise
The OCC notes that overall compliance risk is increasing, calling out Fair Lending risk, in particular, is on the rise.

A Little Monday Inspiration: The Banking Heroes We Need
We all need a little inspiration to brighten these difficult days. I got a dose last week from this story in The Washington Post about how nimble banks

Fair Lending Pitfalls #2: The CARES Act & Reporting Delinquencies
When Congress passed the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (more commonly known as the CARES Act) last month...

How to Lead During a Pandemic: A Conversation with Marcia (“Marci”) Malzahn
The pandemic activated every single risk. Right now, bankers are dealing with credit, liquidity, interest rate, earnings, capital, and human resources.

CU Broadcast Interview Michael Berman on Third-Party Risk and COVID-19
That’s the question Mike Lawson from CU Broadcast had for Ncontracts CEO and Founder Michael Berman.

Pandemic Preparedness & BCP Department-by-Department Series: COVID-19 & the Frontline, Back Office & Marketing (Part 2)
In this second blog in Ncontracts’ series breaking down key operational risk considerations department-by-department, we’re addressing three departments:

Covid-19 Risk Management: Balancing CRA & Fair Lending
The Federal Reserve Board, the FDIC, and the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency encourage financial institutions to work with affected customers

7 Best Practices for Aligning Fintech With Your Business Strategy
Fintech is one of the buzziest trends in financial services right now, and no financial institution wants to be left behind.

Why the OCC Is Like a Peanut Butter Cup and Other Podcast Insights?
Want to hear about OCC plans, initiatives, and priorities right from the OCC right from the source? You’ve got it!

A Regulator's Holiday Wish List for the Year Ahead
We’ve been taking notes at industry conferences/meetings and know exactly what a federal regulator is hoping you’ll get them this year.

How to Control the Financial Risk of a Data Breach
How much does a data breach cost? Understanding the costs can help your financial institution mitigate the financial risks of a data breach.

The Difference Between Data Privacy and Security
Data privacy and security has been getting a lot of press as the industry looks ahead to when the new consumer privacy law takes effect January 1.

Don’t Fear Artificial Intelligence: A Primer for AI in Risk & Compliance Management (Part 1)
Does the phrase “AI in risk and compliance management" conjure up images of robots taking over the world—or worse yet, replacing

Fair Lending Risk: Do You Have a Seat at the Risk Management Table?
Your institution uses compliance analytics software and services for fair lending, HMDA, CRA, and redlining so that it can recognize risks, increase...

Risk Management Aids Prep for Risk-Focused Exams
Risk management helps financial institutions anticipate and guard against all kinds of risks. But did you know it can also help prepare for exams?

A Risk Assessor Origin Story Courtesy of Stephen King’s IT
Movies are chockfull of superhero origin stories, but what about us regular risk management folks?

9 Reasons Why We Are Thankful For Compliance Officers
Here are 9 reasons we are thankful for compliance officers! Thank you, compliance officers, for everything you do.

Have You Prepared for Climate Change Risk?
What is your bank doing about climate risk and its potential impact on loans, investments, and operations?

6 Silo-Busting ERM Tips
How do seasoned risk professionals fight risk management inertia? They find ways to dismantle silos and develop processes to spark discussion about risk

Are You Using a Data-Driven Approach to Compliance Risk?
Make sure that your risk management metrics are keeping up with the outside world, and help your institution separate fact from perception.