Vendor Due Diligence: Don't Make This SOC 2 Report Mistake
Make sure to engage in due diligence with your third-party vendor and avoid critical SOC 2 report mistakes.

Improve Your Audit Plan With 5 Key Risk Management Principles
It can be hard to figure out where an audit plan should begin. Here are five key risk management principles to focus on to improve your audit plan.

4 Ways to Improve Risk Management When Risk Is High
Risk management is an active and ongoing process. Here are four ways to improve risk management when risks are high.

Fair Lending & PPP: Who Tells Your Story?
The Paycheck Protection Program is becoming a hot topic in Fair Lending. Who is going to tell your PPP Fair Lending story?

Which Hamilton Character Is Your Right-Hand Man?
Take this fun quiz to find out which Hamilton character would be your right-hand risk manager.

Internal Audit 101: Audits vs. Compliance Reviews
The difference between audits versus compliance reviews. Both require expertise and surface systemic issues. But there are several key differences.

Did Your Vendor Need PPP Funds?
Did one of your critical third-party vendors need Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) funds?

Business Continuity: 7 Areas to Evaluate Part-Way Through A Pandemic
Regularly evaluate your operations and business continuity management to ensure plans are performing as expected through a pandemic.

ABA Bank Compliance Magazine: Rolling the Dice on Ethics
ABA Magazine, Rolling the Dice on Ethics explores research and case studies to understand the relationship between compliance and ethics.

What Examiners Will Be Looking for in Your COVID-19 Response
The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has impacted operations and financials at every financial institution.

Does Your Vendor Management Program Measure Up to the DOJ Expectations?
Every FI knows that regulatory agencies evaluate their vendor management program as part of the exam process. The Justice Department does too.

Third-Party Vendors & Compliance Risk: 10 High-Risk Compliance Situations
That’s the situation financial institutions face when a third-party vendor acting on behalf of the bank doesn’t comply with laws and regulations.

4 Ways To Use Complaint Data To Improve Risk Management
They serve as warning signs when there is a problem with your financial institution’s compliance and risk management programs.

Due Diligence Documentation: 9 Common Mistakes
Vendor due diligence is a regulatory requirement of the vendor management process. Financial institutions are required

The Problem With Playing In A Software Sandbox
How do you vet a third-party vendor solution? If the answer is asking to test out the product in a sandbox, then you may want to rethink it.

9 Benefits Of Vendor Management Software Vs Manual Tracking
When it comes to vendor management software, some financial institutions rely on a combination of spreadsheets, email, and shared drive files.

How To Work With The Board & Management: 6 Tips From A Top Compliance Officer
When a bank has a good compliance management system (CMS), training, an engaged board, and monthly testing.

5 Tips For Assessing Your Financial Institution’s Pandemic Performance
Now that we’re months into the COVID-19 pandemic, financial institutions can finally begin assessing their pandemic performance.

3 Common Questions About Vendor Response To COVID-19
Monitoring critical vendors’ response to COVID-19 and the effectiveness of their ongoing business continuity management (BCM)

What’s The Difference Between Business Continuity Management (BCM) And Pandemic Planning?
There is a huge amount of overlap between BCM and pandemic planning guidance.

Are Your Vendors Flexible in a Crisis?
From the Paycheck Protection Program to mortgage forbearance, FIs have scrambled to adjust to new rules and help customers obtain much-needed funding.

4 Ways To Streamline Your CMS
Many institutions already have a strong compliance management system (CMS) in place.

FFIEC: Risk Management Is Essential To Safe & Sound Cloud Computing
From the model used to risk appetite and the complexity of a financial institution’s operations, FIs need to understand how their specific cloud-computing

7 Tips For Making Your Complaint Program More Effective
Read on for seven tips to make your complaint management program more effective.

Inside Ncontracts COVID-19 Pandemic Response
When your company is full of risk management and business continuity experts, you have to be prepared to face the unexpected.

A Little Monday Inspiration: The Banking Heroes We Need
We all need a little inspiration to brighten these difficult days. I got a dose last week from this story in The Washington Post about how nimble banks

How to Lead During a Pandemic: A Conversation with Marcia (“Marci”) Malzahn
The pandemic activated every single risk. Right now, bankers are dealing with credit, liquidity, interest rate, earnings, capital, and human resources.

The New COVID-19 Risk Environment: Reassessing Risk
Risk has always been a part of banking. But today, with the spread of COVID-19 wreaking havoc on customers, the economy, and how we live and do business,

Examiners Want to Know: Does Your CMS Ensure Consumer Protection & Compliance?
Preventing consumer harm is among the top goals of financial regulators. That goal is best accomplished with streamlined CMS.

Pandemic Preparedness & BCP Department-by-Department Series: COVID-19 & IT (Part 6)
HR may be setting up work-from-home policies and dealing with employee concerns, but the IT department has to make sure the technology works.