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COVID-19 Vendor Risk Management: Insights from the RMA

The Risk Management Association (RMA) promotes sound risk principles in the financial services industry. Sylwia Czajkowska, Associate Director of Operational Risk at the RMA, discussed the results of a recent survey focusing on COVID-19's impact on third-party risk management practices for FIs. This survey produced an ongoing dialogue that yielded key insights into the rapid deployment and evolution of vendor risk management practices and what that might mean for the future. What was the overall effect on operations for FIs? Listen and find out!

Hey buddy, you won't believe the awesome episode we just recorded for “The Ncast.” I had this incredible chat with Sylwia Czajkowska, who's a total pro in operational risk at RMA. And let me tell you, she spilled the beans on some seriously eye-opening stuff about vendor management and how COVID-19 threw a curveball at financial institutions' plans.

Picture this: vendors working from home, cybersecurity challenges, and a whole lot more. Sylwia's been in the game for over 20 years, and her insights are like gold. I mean, we dived into the nitty-gritty details, and it's mind-blowing how much she knows about this stuff.

But that's not all – we dove even deeper. We explored the real impact on service level agreements during the pandemic, how those international vendors are holding up in the crisis (hint: it's a rollercoaster), and the whole tricky business of fourth-party vendors. It's like she's pulled back the curtain on a whole new world of risk management and compliance.

I'm telling you, if you're even remotely into this kind of thing, you've got to tune in to this episode. Sylwia's insights are so on-point, and there's so much to learn from what she shared. It's like a masterclass in how the risk landscape has evolved in the face of a global pandemic.

So, my friend, don't miss out – grab your headphones, find a comfy spot, and get ready to dive into some serious risk talk with Sylwia Czajkowska. Trust me, you'll walk away with your mind blown and a whole new perspective on how this industry is tackling the challenges head-on. Let's get started!

In this episode, you will learn

  1. Introducing Sylwia Czajkowska, Associate Director of Operational Risk at the RMA.
    Introducing Sylwia Czajkowska, Associate Director of Operational Risk at the RMA.
  2. The impact of the pandemic on critical third-party relationships.
    The impact of the pandemic on critical third-party relationships.
  3. Vendors and business continuity.
    Vendors and business continuity.
  4. How have vendors responded to the pandemic?
    How have vendors responded to the pandemic?
  5. Challenges of working from home with vendors.
    Challenges of working from home with vendors.
Michael Carpenter
VP Risk Management, Ncontracts
Sylwia Czajkowska
Associate Director of Operational Risk, The Risk Management Association

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