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Regulatory Brief for August 2021

Every month, Ncontracts compliance experts provide an overview and analysis of the latest regulatory updates to help you keep up with the rapidly evolving nature of the industry. In this episode, Stephanie Lyon, VP of Compliance, is joined by compliance experts Shelby Montgomery and Katie Ferrell to discuss regulatory changes that occurred in the month of August 2021 and what they mean for your financial institution.

Hey, guess what? I just had the most mind-blowing conversation on "The Ncast" podcast, and I can't wait to spill the beans! So, I was chatting with Shelby Montgomery and Katie Ferrell, and let me tell you, they dropped some seriously juicy insights about the financial world's latest twists and turns.

We dove right into the nitty-gritty of cybersecurity risks, and trust me, it's not your typical tech-talk. They broke it down in a way that even I could understand – and that's saying something! We chatted about the OCC's new guidance on risk management models, which sounds like a snooze fest, but Shelby and Katie made it super intriguing. 

And hold up, they didn't stop there. We dived into the world of diversity initiatives in New York's financial scene, and let me tell you, it's not just about ticking boxes. They explained how this move could actually make a big impact. Oh, and get this: Fannie Mae is changing the game by factoring rental payments into credit scores. It's like giving renters a fair shot at the credit game, and I'm all about that inclusivity vibe.

But that's not even the best part. We tackled the topic of remote work for mortgage pros – yeah, it's a thing. Imagine being able to work from anywhere, and Shelby and Katie gave us the scoop on how some states are making it easier. And you know what? It's not just a bunch of legal jargon; they broke it down in a way that made me go, "Whoa, I didn't see that coming!"

So, trust me, you need to check out this podcast episode. Shelby and Katie turned what could've been a dry discussion into a rollercoaster of insights that left me seriously excited. If you're curious about finance, compliance, or just want to be in the loop about the coolest stuff happening in the world of regulations, you're gonna want to give this episode a listen. I promise you won't be disappointed!

In this episode, you will learn

  1. Introducing Shelby Montgomery, Regulatory Compliance Counsel, and Katie Ferrell, Regulatory Compliance & Governance.
    Introducing Shelby Montgomery, Regulatory Compliance Counsel, and Katie Ferrell, Regulatory Compliance & Governance.
  2. Fannie Mae allows rental payments to factor into credit scores.
    Fannie Mae allows rental payments to factor into credit scores.
  3. New initiative to promote diversity and inclusion.
    New initiative to promote diversity and inclusion.
  4. Banks and Fintechs.
    Banks and Fintechs.
  5. Risk management advice.
    Risk management advice.
Stephanie Lyon
VP of Compliance, Ncontracts
Shelby Montgomery
Regulatory Compliance Counsel, Ncontracts
Katie Ferrell Headshot
Katie Ferrell
Regulatory Compliance & Governance, Ncontracts

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