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Comprehensive Loan-Level Review Inside Your LOS

Review Each Loan Individually and Efficiently

Most review systems do their work in bulk, outside of your loan-originating system (LOS).

Compliance EAGLE provides in-depth review of each individual loan, inside your LOS, so you can make smart, non-discriminatory lending decisions in real time.


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Handling Your Lending Needs

Most of our competitors offer only one service, Compliance EAGLE features 17 services, including:

Mavent© Consumer Credit Law Reviews

Mavent credit law revies include:

Compliance eagle benefits

Full Compliance on the Fly

Compliance EAGLE is a powerful Graphic User Interface dedicated to providing end-to-end compliance risk management solutions.

Track compliance status for each record in the database

Track compliance status for each record in the database

Quickly identify compliance loans ready to market

Quickly identify compliance loans ready to market

Access rules and regulations in seconds for any size lender

Access rules and regulations in seconds for any size lender

Identify loans eligible for CRA credit

Identify loans eligible for CRA credit

Identify and remedy HMDA validity errors quickly

Identify and remedy HMDA validity errors quickly

Customize your workflows

Customize your workflows

Geocodes and census data for each loan

Geocodes and census data for each loan

Automatic state and local credit law checks

Automatic state and local credit law checks

Improve Data Integrity Inside Your LOS

Perhaps the most important aspect of Compliance EAGLE is the ability to operate our functionalities within your Loan Origination System (LOS). This approach saves time while preserving the integrity of your data throughout the process.

Schedule a demo or talk with a rep today about Compliance EAGLE.

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