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Employee Information Security Platform

Nconnect is an all-in-one software solution designed to empower your team with the tools they need to ensure organizational success. Nconnect provides a centralized platform to ensure your organization’s employee information security posture is firm and resilient against evolving threats.

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An employee information security software trusted by thousands of financial institutions across the country

Nconnect benefits

How Our Employee Information Security Platform Helps Your IT Team

Our employee information security platform is your institution's hub to streamline the IT department's workflow. It's a robust tool to control employee permissions, ensure security training, and optimize incident response processes. 

Oversee Access Controls

No more unknowns when it comes to employee permissions. With Nconnect, you can appropriately delegate and monitor permission sets across your entire organization. 

Enhanced Security Posture

Nconnect’s access controls, security training, and incident management features equip your organization to effectively prevent and respond to security threats.

Operational Efficiency

Streamline your IT department’s workflow with centralized control over access permissions and incident response  processes, allowing your team to focus on critical tasks.

A+ Federal Credit Union Success Story
Learn more about how A+ Federal Credit Union improved their processes with Nconnect.
nconnect FEATURES

A Secure Employee Network for Improved Efficiency, IT Controls & Collaboration

Nconnect is an efficient employee information security platform for financial institutions of all sizes. Provide your team with top-notch security training and analyze incident trends to drive security across your organization. 


Access Control Management 

Centralized Oversight Manage and monitor access permissions across every department through a single tool. 

User Authentication: Implement multi-factor authentication and secure login protocols to protect sensitive data. 


Incident Management 

Efficient Response: Coordinate incident responses with predefined workflows for consistent and effective handling. 

Detailed Documentation: Generate reports to maintain thorough records of all incidents and responses. 


Security Training and Compliance 

Comprehensive Training Programs: Deploy tailored  security training modules to employees at all levels. 

Progress Tracking: Monitor employee participation and completion rates to ensure compliance. 


Employee Networking

Efficient Workflows & Ticketing: Track, prioritize, and resolve support tickets, overseeing projects from start to finish using our bank's intranet 

Global Search: Provide your employees with an easy-to-use approach to retrieve the required document within seconds.  

Dynamic Document Management: Use a centralized location to store and access the latest financial document.  

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Why Choose Nconnect?

Request a Demo to See How Nconnect Can Improve Your Information Security

Ready to elevate your IT security management with Nconnect? Contact us to schedule a demo or to learn more about how Nconnect can help your organization achieve its security goals. 

Request a Demo