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The Upside of Compliance

Webinar Date:

Thursday, October 31st at 1PM CST



Stephanie Lyon


Michael Berman

The Upside of Compliance: How to Build and Maintain a Strong Compliance Management Program

Compliance isn't just a box to check — it's your financial institution's secret weapon.

The Upside of Compliance shatters the myth that compliance is just an obligation — revealing it as a value add that can not only protect your institution from regulatory pitfalls and reputation risk but also fuel growth, foster trust, and drive long-term success.

 Join the authors of The Upside of Compliance, Stephanie Lyon and Michael Berman, as they share practical insights, real-world stories, and advice for turning compliance into both a strategic advantage and a practical tool for everyday success. Whether you're building a program from scratch or refining an existing one, they’ll show you actionable steps to harness the power of compliance for meaningful results in an ever-evolving regulatory landscape.